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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. My grandparents had a cottage in Crystal Beach and had one of these. Thank him for his service for me.
  2. I was always really good at bubble hockey. Beat anybody who came my way. Till one day, Mr. Lindy Ruff happened to be at the same bar I was. It was in Cheektowaga i think. I was like 19, and shouldn't have even been in the bar. But I walked up to him and really politely asked him if he wouldn't mind playing against me. Kicked my ass like 5-0.
  3. There are pictures of the group of guys I was with, about 5 of them, tackling me and giving me a wedgie. Looking back, they did the right thing.
  4. My dad coached my brother and I in South Buffalo Baseball our whole childhood. Usually whichever of our age groups was in need of a coach. I was never very good, but loved the game. I hit one homerun in my entire life. We showed up to the park, and the other team only had 8 players. They had to forfeit the game, but we decided since we all showed up, why not just play for fun? So my dad volunteered me to play for the other team and fill out their roster. Hit a home run in like the third inning. Against my own team, coached by my own dad, in a game that didn't count. Fast forward about five years later. This time my dad is coaching my younger brother. I'm about 12 or 13 maybe. Just there to watch my dad and brother's team. But the umpire didn't show up. So my dad volunteered me (there's a pattern here) to umpire. Game was going pretty well. My dad's team is down by one with two outs in the 5th (out of 6) innings. They score the tying and go ahead run. But I call them out because the lead runner missed the bag. That's when my dad sat me down and explained how the appeal play worked, and that I wasn't supposed to say anything unless the other team did. I felt terrible, and it didn't help that the other coach came out and congratulated me on noticing that after the inning was over. And of course my dad's team never came back to win. All my fault.
  5. I rooted for them the year they were almost perfect. Simply because at the time, I hated the Dolphins more than the Patriots*, and was sick of my Dolphin fan brother talking about the 1972 Dolphins. In hindsight, I'm glad they lost.
  6. Oh yeah. I'm not going into that. That's a very rough estimate based on googles inflation/currency calculators.
  7. McD, and it isn't even close.
  8. Played it the other night and I sucked till I played a few games. So many of the new car simulation games had me overthinking what I had to do.
  9. £150 in 1968 is £2,472.31 in 2017. £2,472.31 is 3,148.24 in today's US dollar.
  10. I'm a big college baseball fan. Root for Houston. Even though I didn't attend, the tickets are cheap, stadium is okay but close, and the team is good. My brother in law went to A & M, and was in their "Aggie Corps" which is essentially ROTC but on steroids. So my wife had spent her whole childhood up there. We decided to take a Tuesday off of work, take the two hour trip up college station, and just check out the campus before the game. Drove up there, walked around campus, went to some hole in the wall burger joint. Got to the game around 45 minutes early, and we were the first ones there. I felt like Clark Griswald. Ran up to get my tickets from will call, game was canceled. They announced it online thirty minutes before leaving the house.
  11. I actually went to this really cool arcade in Austin. An entire section of classic arcade games. I was always good at Pole Position and Tapper, the heavily commercialized bartending game from Budweiser.
  12. So. The wedding went great. Psycho showed up for the ceremony, sat in the back with her just as crazy mother. Never made a peep. Everybody in that place wanted to throw her out, but we decided to keep the peace and just asked people to keep an eye on her. She left immediately after the ceremony and wasn't at the reception.
  13. I honestly could do it with either Dave or Sammy. But Michael has to be there for me to go. Yeah, "Wolfie" does a very good job on the bass. But without Michael Anthony on backup vocals, nothing sounds the same.
  14. Right, it's a gamble that you'll most likely lose, so don't invest money that you're willing to risk never seeing again.
  15. Quite sad. The 30 for 30 "Broke" showed how a lot of athletes went broke making "sexy" and fun investments in things like restaurants and shoes, ignoring the more practical, less flashy investments. Glad he didn't sink to rock bottom though.
  16. Happy Thanksgiving, even those a-holes @Gugny and @BringBackFergy. Wish me luck as I'm getting married on Saturday.
  17. GOATJP - This one's a bit controversial. Some think it means Greatest Of All Time JP, as in Losman. Others, like @BringBackFergy and I, know it as Greatest Of All Time, Jordan palmer. There's one I've been trying to get started about Fully Undermining Coaches, Kelvin, but nobody has seemed to pick it up.
  18. Which brings me to my next point. Don't smoke crack.
  19. The only problem is, people are talking on Facebook about the Sabres again. I used to be able to record the games during the and catch up on all two or three of them on a Saturday morning without the ending being spoiled. Now I gotta remember not to look at social media if I'm not watching the game live.
  20. He came out of the closet like two years ago, and I was surprised he ever considered himself in the closet. My mother in law was a huge fan. Not my cup of tea, but I respect his talent. He wrote a whole bunch of jingles we still use. Stuck on Band Aid brand, and Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There. I saw that when it came to Houston. Unfortunately, Van Morrison wasn't on that leg. Willie is my hero, but he just can't sing anymore.
  21. And by the way, wtf were they thinking starting Johnson over Flutie? #FirePegula
  22. As much as @BringBackFergy and I would love to bring him back as a QB (the dude threw some wicked spirals in his short tenure here), Jordan Palmer, the more talented brother of Carson Palmer, worked with Allen in the offseason and would be a great fit.
  23. If only there were literally hundreds of other threads, some of which may or may not interest you. Then you could ignore the ones you don't care about, and comment on the ones you do. Alas, this is the only thread on the whole site, so I'm glad you chimed in to ***** on other people's interests.
  24. I was gonna wait till the All-Star Break to see if they were gonna be worth buying the package, but after the 5-4 start, I said eff it. Needless to say, I haven't regretted the decision thus far.
  25. I like James Taylor well enough. But what would he do in concert that I couldn't get from the record?
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