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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Favorite is probably Springsteen's Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Least favorite is Christmas Shoes.
  2. How does our boy @Meark feel about this?
  3. It was starring that vaugly familiar sitcom star. Remember?
  4. Crossing Elton John off of my bucket list on Sunday night.
  5. Yes. About three and a half, four years ago. That chick was legit psycho. Like, told everybody her mom was dead when she actually isn't psycho.
  6. A lot of things change in Hollywood before filming. Terminator was written with OJ Simpson in mind. They decided to go with Arnold because Juice just seemed like "too nice of a guy" and people wouldn't be able to see him as a killer.
  7. Strongest arm I've seen in decades. Has a lot of work to do, but with the right people around him, I think he has great potential. Very optomistic, but not ready to crown him the next Jim Kelly just yet.
  8. Just found out Houston is getting an XFL team, playing at UH's stadium. Will definitely be at first game, and if ticket prices are reasonable, might just get season tickets, assuming the league comes to fruition.
  9. I've made my wife cry with gifts a few times. The trick is to either "forget" or give a crappy gift, then give the real one after that. For her 21st birthday I gave her a 5 pack of beer. Told her I got thirsty on the way over. She doesn't even like beer. Then the next day, I showed up at her house around 9am, when I was supposed to be working. Sat down and ate breakfast with her parents, and refused to tell her what was going on. Just told her to go take a shower, and then put on something comfortable. Then I drove her to a massage place, told her she had an 11:00 appointment already paid for in her name. Then went down to Galveston and brought her to this fancy steakhouse and seafood place for lunch. Then went to a bar where all of her friends were waiting for her. Two Christmases ago, I was genuinely broke. But Green Day was coming to town, and it was her favorite band. So I scrounged up what I had, and bought them. I told her how sorry I was, but I'll buy her a gift when tax time comes around. She actually wasn't even mad and genuinely understood. Then after we had opened all the presents, and settled down, I suggested we play a game of Rummikub. Told her I had to pee, but to grab the box and set the game up, and I'd be out in a minute. Then heard her scream when she opened it. She got me back on my birthday this year. Bought me a $10 Astros shirt. I liked it and all, but I own about 15 of them, and this one was literally as basic as you can get. Not a jersey, or even championship gear. Just a basic shirt that said "Astros" and the team logo. We ate dinner, and and cake. Then she gave me the card from her and her parents. Willie Effing Nelson tickets. I literally cried.
  10. I can't remember the name of the movie, but I saw it on the Hallmark Channel. It was this young girl in her late 20s or early 30s. She was dating this rich CEO that treated her like crap. Then she went back to her small town that she grew up in, and met a guy from her childhood who's kind of a goofball, but is sweet and loveable. Her wise uncle figure, who totally wasn't Santa, uses the spirit of Christmas to bring them closer together at the town's Christmas festival. Anybody see that one?
  11. Glad to see you supported small business this holiday season though.
  12. He put in the full effort, and made a mistake. Benjamin was most likely cut for his lack of work ethic.
  13. I have two. One, I have an aunt who's obsessed with Barbara Streisand. When she came to town, tickets were going for $250 in the nosebleeds and up. So I got all my cousins and aunts and uncles together to pitch in, and we bought her a pair of tickets. The other one, was a DVD for my dad. He'd been telling us about one of his favorite movies as a kid. "Kill the Umpire." Would rummage through every VHS and DVD store at the Walden Flea Market for it. Finally found it for him online, along with a reprint of the original movie poster.
  14. Honestly, if I was robbed by a guy who's parents named him after a fictional character, I'd just ask for my stuff back and drop the charges. He's got enough going on with his life.
  15. For a groom it's much easier. Something rented, something rented, something rented, boxers.
  16. I actually listen to most of it year round. Especially on a day that cooler than usual. Like a 65° day in July or August, gives you that Christmas feeling.
  17. You do realize that if anything, Bean is McD's guy, right?
  18. Hey. I bought Caddyshack about 10 years ago in the $5 bin once. Got it home, and the pricetag was conveniently covering the "2" that was on the cover.
  19. Yeah. The preview was enough for me. The movie is based on writings from Jean Sheppard, who was the writer and narrator for the original, and 1994 sequel. The recent sequel had nobody connected to the original, and was a straight to DVD money grab. When my wife and I were dating, we had broken up for about a month. Our first real date after getting back together was going to see Home Alone with the Houston Symphony playing the score. I proposed while watching Home Alone 2 with a group of friends. I got up to use the bathroom, and when he turns the TV on, it went to a slideshow I made, then I came out in a full suit.
  20. I just visited with my wife's 90 year old grandmother. She used to work at a law firm, and at some point in the late 70s early 80s, she had to do some work with Mick Jagger over some land he owned. She had no idea who the guy was at the time. "I don't listen to the music you kids listen to." She also liked all of the music in our wedding ceremony "Except that one new sounding Rock and Roll song." She was talking about The Good Ol' Boys from Waylon Jennings. My mom won some sort of badminton set in a chinese auction once. My brother and I set it up in the backyard and had multiple shoving matches over the rules that neither of us understood.
  21. There was actually a "Sequel" that involved the same characters, and Jean Sheppard narrating that took place in the summer. It wasn't as great as A Christmas Story, but was still pretty entertaining on its own merrit. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110168/
  22. My first guitar. Even though I didn't appriciate it at the time, because I was dropping hints that I wanted to learn the piano. I fell in love with the instrument about two years later. Although my wife has been heavily hinting that I'm getting Rolling Stones ticket(s) this year, which would literally make me cry.
  23. I stopped paying for Center Ice about two years ago. The NHL streaming app gives you the option to pay a cheaper price for one team, and outside of the Sabres, I don't really care too much about other games. I believe there is a streaming option for Sunday ticket. Sling has offered me ads to watch Buffalo Bills games for a certain price, but I go to the Bills Backers Bar anyway, so wouldn't have a use for it.
  24. I live in the apartment upstairs from my father in law. He has DirecTV and got a deal where we have a box for our TV. However, with his DTV login, I can access enough of what I need (ESPN, NFL Network, etc) through my Roku TV. Couple that with the Netflix and Hulu that my brother and I each pay for one, and the NHL.TV app where I can pay for just the Sabres, and I've never had to hook up the box.
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