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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Yeah. This one will get you in huge trouble. I remember when my cousin came back from Iraq. We picked him up at the airport. Him and I were really close, so I genuinely was just excited to see him. But when we were walking through the airport, like four people rudely interrupted our conversation just to thank him for his service.
  2. The job I'm in now at a software company, requires a two year degree. I don't have that, but I have 8 years customer service/tech support experience. They hired me based on that, and figured I could learn the rest along the way. Assuming I stay with the company long term, I may take a few courses that would help me here, but I don't plan on getting a degree any time soon. As far as the topic of the thread goes, without getting too PP: When gay marriage was legalized it was a step backwards. Instead of allowing same-sex couples to obtain a marriage licence, they should have just eliminated the requirement of a marriage licence altogether. Taxation is Theft. EJ Manuel was a good quarterback, that Doug Marrone ruined. U2 is extremely overrated, and haven't done anything good since Joshua Tree. Mamba is better than Starburst.
  3. Damn! My yacht only has a regular sized movie theater on it.
  4. The irony of Paul and Ringo being the last two to live. Paul was allegedly dead in 1967 (although I've read some people still believe that). And Ringo was given six months to live when he was born.
  5. I think the success of the AAF will depend on what kind of partnership, or at least endorsement they get from the NFL. They already know they're a developmental league, and aren't trying to compete with the NFL. There are rumors that Vince McMahon won't let his players break their contract if they get an NFL offer.
  6. But the USFL was successful as a spring league. The reason it failed was because it decided to become a fall league and compete directly with the NFL. That's never gonna happen. The reason the AFL was successful, was because they were mostly placed in cities that didn't have an NFL team at the time.
  7. The more I look into these leagues, I see the AAF possibly having success. They seem to be serious about developing their players to hopefully go on to careers in the NFL. AAF seems to want to be friendly with the NFL and NCAA. On the other hand, the XFL seems to want to be an alternative to the NFL. Not necessarily a direct competitor, but definitely take the NFL boycotters away. It also seems that, although not as gimmicky as the first time, the XFL will still be all about the spectacle. I see them signing a lot of big name has beens, IE Manziel. I wouldn't even be surprised to see them sign TO to a contract. Even if he only takes a few snaps, signs some autographs, and collects his paycheck. It's the name they're paying for.
  8. Let the man go. We've all said weird things in the moment.
  9. Best part was, I had a few drinks before the show, and got up and started booing one of the wrestlers. He starts coming at me and gets in my face, and we're both yelling at each other. Her idiot friend (the one you all know about that is no longer her friend), was there. She was getting worried thinking that the guy was actually gonna beat the crap out of me for talking smack. She was even more surprised that after the show, I stood there and talked and laughed with him for about five minutes.
  10. When I first started dating my wife, she didn't understand my sense of humor or sarcasm. I saw an ad on Facebook for a local bar that was hosting midget wrestling. As a joke, I said "Hey. We should go to this, and get front row tickets." So she went out and actually bought me VIP seats for midget wrestling, that came with ringside seats and a free t-shirt. It was actually really fun.
  11. Nah. I want my coach to be a hard worker. That lazy bum couldn't even get the extra yard for the first down against Miami.
  12. I never asked her directly, because I knew better. But there was a woman I worked with that couldn't have been taller than like 5'6. She was never really "fat" per se, but had a belly that was disproportionately larger than her body. I always just assumed she was pregnant, till I realized she'd been like that for over a year.
  13. Gordon Bombay wasn't available, so they got his brother Charlie to coach. Explains to the team what the phrase "Knuckle puck" means to him.
  14. Not sure what that is. Let me google it real quick from my work computer while work is slow. I want to get back into bowling. I bowled a lot when I was younger, but never took it seriously till middle school. I had a decent average for my age of about 140, but my high school team was really good. Like, had a game where there were two 300 games, a 299, and the lowest was a 281. I still bowled in a Saturday morning fun league. But the roof collapsed and they had to move to a smaller bowling alley and combine teams. I was stuck bowling with a bunch of kids younger than myself and lost interest.
  15. My mom won one in a raffle at work once. It was a summer Olympic year, so it was some sort of promotion tied into that. So my brother and I set it up in the backyard, and it got really intense. We thought we were so good. Then we saw badminton was on TV. Oh, how wrong we were.
  16. True. Look at the Nickel and Goodwin stories. They make more money than I could dream of, and I don't think I'd want to be in their shoes right now. You can't buy a child back that passed.
  17. As opposed to when you poop your pants on purpose?
  18. I'm ususally not one to admit this, but I'm literally fighting back tears at my desk. I also always liked him, and wish him nothing but success when not playing The Bills. Dude has every reason in the world to be angry, and seems to be doing the exact opposite.
  19. I was in St Denis yesterday, and a cop was chasing a criminal. My GTA instincts kicked in, and I aimed my gun at the criminal, thinking my honor would go up for helping the police. The bastard cop shot me for trying to help him.
  20. Looking for a gout friendly diet option to lose weight.
  21. My dad always told me this. Speaking of CPS, whenever I was in trouble, I told my mom I was gonna call CPS and tell them she spanked me. Her reply was "Good. They take you away, not me."
  22. I read this, and went straight home to check this out. Couldn't open any doors, and looked in the basement window, and saw what looked to be an empty bedroom. I guess that's not there till later on in the story.
  23. This is the most depressingly true statement in this thread.
  24. Not only were they good, they were REALLY bad in recent years, so they turned them around fast.
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