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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. When he was three we were watching a game with my grandfather, a die hard fan from day one. My brother commented that he liked the Dolphin logo. If my grandfather would have just let it go, he'd probably be a Bills fan. But my grandfather said "You better not root for the Dolphins." So just because he thought it was funny, he started rooting for the Dolphins and never stopped.
  2. My brother, a Dolphins fan, called me. He said: "Joe, if there was one player in the entire NFL that you didn't want on your team, who would it be?" "Terrell Owens. No doubt." "Turn on the TV to any sports station right now." "Fudge!" Only I didn't say fudge. I said the word, the big one. The queen mother of all dirty words. the F--- word.
  3. I was so looking forward to Hot Tub Time Machine II. I literally went to the midnight screening, and was so disappointed.
  4. It would be. But a simple script written about Lucky getting a job in another town, and having a send off with some recycled audio of them both saying goodbye, then driving off with Free Fallin' playing on Lucky's truck stereo would be fitting.
  5. One of them came in and wanted more money than they were willing to pay, or something.
  6. Of all the threads on this board, which thread is your favorite?
  7. My mother in law went through cancer treatments back in the early 90s. She had to get stuck in the three same exact spots every time. Rather than the doctors measue it out, she had three pencil sized dots on her chest.
  8. Jerry Stiller is 91, not sure how active of a cast member he could still be, but I'd be game.
  9. @Gugny is right. (Never thought I'd see the day where I typed that.) You do realize that the show's creator was extremely liberal, right? As was Carol O'Connor. I lean to the right, and still enjoy the show, but Archie was written as an unintelligent ####### on purpose. Carol O'Connor was so talented though that he was able to play him in a way that made him loveable.
  10. Airplane II was good... if you had never seen the original where they had all of the same jokes. It's hard to make a good comedy sequel because comedy relies on the element of surprise. Smoky and the Bandit II was pretty bad. I heard III was even worse, but II was so bad I never looked it up. Also, I think Meet the Fockers was great, and arguably better than the first. The third one, Little Fockers, wasn't that good if I recall though.
  11. The thing I hate most about it is how it ended. Bills line up for the winning kick (Obviously a nod to Norwood). Then it turns out to be a fake kick, that involves a lot of backwards passes, which to me seemed to be poking fun at the Music City Travesty that had happened a year or two ago. Even pretending to watch the Bills win the Super Bowl, I can't enjoy it. Although, I remember I was like 11 or 12 when it came out, and I thought it was awesome. Mostly because it was about the Bills. Then I saw it at Big Lots for three bucks when I was about 20ish or so. And I gotta say, it should have stayed a memory. It was actually quite awful.
  12. Enough time has passed in real life, that a That 90's Show could be made with most of the original cast.
  13. Agreed. I love Naked Gun. But Leslie Nielson dumbed down the character. Police Squad was the perfect parody of detective shows, and he did a spot on parody of guys like Joe Friday. It was so much more subtle too. I truly think that's why it didn't last, because most people didn't get it. Angie Tribeca is a show that's produced by Steve Carell. It's the closest thing we're gonna get to Police Squad. A lot of the same deadpan humor.
  14. Slapshot 2, that's the one where they're basically the Washington Generals of hockey? It may have been okay if it was a stand alone movie. Nothing to write home about, but attaching it to such a classic as Slapshot is what ruined it. If we're comparing it to the original, it's one of the worst. Especially if you knew the story behind it. Rodney Dangerfield was in it, and was gonna bring along Sam Kinison. He wanted to rewrite a few of his lines, insert a few of his own jokes, etc. The director refused, he backed out, and Kinison went with him. It should have died right there. Chevy Chase will do anything for a paycheck. Yeah. I didn't pay much attention to the cover. Just saw the words Caddyshack and $3, and threw it in my cart. Learned my lesson that day.
  15. Have you seen the Made for TV movie about our Buffalo Bills? If so, what did you think of it? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0194342
  16. I remember back about 10-15 years ago, I found Caddyshack in the bargain bin for like $3 on DVD. I grabbed it without even thinking, brought it home, and took the cellophane wrapper off, only to reveal that the pricetag covered up the Roman Numeral II on the cover.
  17. With all of the 90s and early 2000s revivials we've had lately, what shows would you like to see revived, where it's realistically possible for a majority of the main cast to come back?
  18. I'm just glad to see that the word shitting makes it past the language filter.
  19. I've been told I look like Bobby Hill. I also have tried my hand at stand up comedy, and even contracted gout at an age that most people thought was medically impossible. I keep hearing rumors of the show coming back, with the characters aged an appropriate amount of time, which would put Bobby around college age.
  20. My wife and I started watching it this weekend. Really enjoy it so far.
  21. I asked a movie theater owner why concessions were so high. He's actually independent, and has the lowest prices in town. He said as far as profit goes, hes a concession stand that shows movies. Most of the ticket money goes directly to the movie studios. Not sure how that works for sports teams. I know minor league sports teams literally give tickets away just to get people inside the stadium just to spend their money on food and souvenirs.
  22. I wear a rally cap if my team is down. It's not a superstition, so much as a public display that I still believe that my team can come back.
  23. I have season tickets for UH Baseball. Friday nights are $1 popcorn, $2 dogs, $3 pop, $4 beer. These nights, I eat at the ballpark. The other nights are so expensive, that it just means that I eat dinner at home before the game ( or grab something on the way), and bring in my own snacks. However, you can bring your own cup into the game to fill with water. So first game of the year I buy two large souvenir size cups. One for me, one for my wife. Then after the game, I collect the "Free Refill" stickers, and I don't pay for any more pop all season.
  24. @RochesterRob is right. I used to feel the same way KD. I never understood why she was considered such a legend. She never did anything that seemed original to me. But you have to look at her and her show through the lens of history. It's not funny to us because we've seen it all before. But the reason we've seen it all before, is because everybody was inspired by, or sometimes straight up stole from, I Love Lucy.
  25. So they stole a joke from Airplane?
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