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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. After thinking about this I have a few more questions. First, is this even a common enough issue right now for a rule like this to be warrented? Second, most of the articles I've read focus on the N-word, but is this a pre-emptive thing to prevent homophobic slurs now that we're most likely looking at having a gay NFL player? What would be different about this? I assumed this was already covered under the unsportsmanlike conduct rule. Personally, if this is an issue, they should hit them where it hurts. If it's heard by a ref, report it to the NFL, or team, and let them deal with it with fines and/or suspensions after a review. It seems way to subjective to be something that could affect the outcome of the game.
  2. In theory this is a good idea. But the enforecement would be a gray area. If one player genuinely compliments another player on the other team"Good play N****a." Which happens alot, is that enforced? What if it's one player saying to another player on his own team about "That N***** hit me so hard." Since it isn't said to them? How often are racial slurs used in a negative way now that it needs to be enforced?
  3. This may have been mentioned before, but do you think Schartz's hiring, or potential hiring at the time, had anything to do with why Crossman was kept?
  4. They're planning on bringing the USFL back next year. It wouldn't be the same USFL as the one with Flutie and Kelly. Their goal isn't to compete with the NFL this time. It's not NFL sanctioned, but they're goal is to be a developmental league during the NFL Offseason. Apparently it was supposed to start this spring, but weren't ready, so they're aiming to start next spring. http://www.theusfl.com/about.html
  5. It's in your subconscious. You heard the moaning, crying, and screaming while in your mother's womb. A few years ago, I walked into a bar in a Tuesday afternoon in August. One of the TVs were showing NFL Network Super Bowl replays. Literally walked in as Norwood was lining up for the kick. Needless to say, that bar made a lot of money off me that day, as the next three things being shown were our other three Super Bowls. Anyone else feel like they have to watch our Super Bowls any time their on, just because it's still one of the few times Buffalo gets media exposure anymore? Ooh. I live outside Houston, so I get to remind them of the comeback.
  6. You gotta think of it from a marketing POV. I love Classic Rock. I love rock in general. I also love football. Classic Rock is marketed to, and this is just a general statement of course, is marketed towards men between 30-55. That's also the general demographic for the NFL. So classic rock wouldn't bring in many more viewers. If you recall, the whole "Wardrobe Malfunction" happened, right before the slew of Classic Rockers that came. Pop, and again I'm just speaking generally here, is for females, from like 12-30. This group, and again, just generally, don't care about football. So they want to get as many people as possible to watch.
  7. We also don't have the physical strength Martin has. Also, the half N****r comment, was in a voicemail, that was left as a reply to a joke text that Martin sent the week before. I also love how the media forgets to mention that Incognito was genuinely worried about Martin, and texted him asking him if he was ok. And Martin, being the coward that he is, texted him saying that everything was OK, and that it had nothing to do with him.
  8. I'm an eternal optimist, but it could be that Gilmore, McKelvin and Williams are players that he wants to work with who need more development. Just a guess though.
  9. He also inuslted the city of Buffalo, and is a sore loser. I actually rooted for him in the first Super Bowl against the Giants. Reason being I wanted anybody, even the hated Patriots. But the more I saw his interviews, the more I began to dislike him as a person. There was also this. http://nypost.com/2013/01/31/exclusive-nfl-legend-dan-marino-had-a-love-child-with-cbs-employee-in-2005/
  10. I voted Marrone. Pettine is clearly a great DC. He might be a good HC, we don't know. Being a coordinator takes a great football mind. Being a head coach is not only that, but also dealing with personality, and dealing with the team as a whole. Some men are great coordinators, but now HC. Not saying Pettine is or isn't that, we just don't know.
  11. Agreed! They tell me I had a great time there.
  12. I never root for relocated teams. Since the Bills are possibly in the same situation too. I can't root for the Titans either, even though I don't like the Texans much. Boy, Bills fans are a cynical bunch, aren't we? People are just listing teams they hate and why.
  13. I live in Houston, so I've tried rooting for making the Texans my second team. But the team has no history, and the fans have this attitude like they've gone through so much and they deserve a Super Bowl. Not to mention this whole city, not just football, is a fair weather city. So I've gone from indifference, to rooting against them. I could never root for a team with the same passion as the Bills, but I've always felt an odd kinship to the Browns. I also like to root for teams I've seen the Bills play that year (assuming it's not a division team.) So I'd like to see the Saints win this year, since I watched them play, it'd be cool to say I've seen the Super Bowl champion play.
  14. It wouldn't even hold the 56K that come to the Toronto game. Maybe some a preseason game, or some sort of inttra-squad scrimage though.
  15. I'd really like to give Marrone an Incomplete. See what he can do next sesaon. But I gave him a B. He took the young team, and brought them to at the very least, the same record as last year, and a .500 division record, despite three QBs with one game experience from last year between the three of them.
  16. Whoa! Postive Bills stats, AND expressing a thought that EJ Manuel isn't a total draft bust, in the same thread?!?!? Are we sure this is allowed?
  17. Good. Let them. I hope Marrone, or some of the players hear that. Get them pumped.
  18. This feels like the movie Semi Pro where they're all rooting for 4th place. Although, Brady's career is dwindling, and I wanna kick his @$$, I 'mean really stick it to him one time before he retires.
  19. This was painful to read, because it seems all too likely.
  20. What does it say? My work blocks twitter.
  21. This is the saddest, yet most accurate description of my new home city.
  22. Hey buddy! I live off an FM road! On a street called "My Rd." Everything else you said is sadly accurate. The whole FM system is stuipid, it was confusing for me to learn my way around. Luckily I live far enough away. Last year it sold out, and the only ticket I could get was a 49 dollar face ticket for 120. That was also when Texans were Super Bowl contenders, and this is a fair weather city, so I'm not sure about next year.
  23. Oh ok. Thanks for the clarification. That's awesome then. I live in Houston. Won't even have to travel.
  24. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time we played against The Texans, it was last season, in Houston. So wouldn't that mean, assuming, it is Houston for our AFC South oppenent, which is what it's looking like, that the game would be in Buffalo?
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