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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. So of everything going on with this franchise, on the field, in the front office, and in the courtroom, this is what depresses you?
  2. I can't believe we (traded up/traded down/did nothing)! We had The (Texans/Raiders/Cowboys) willing to trade so we could get (Watkins/Clowney/RobinsonEbron) and we didn't!
  3. The only time Schopp and The Bulldog are any good are when they're talking about non sports topics like movies/music etc. They would make good morning hosts though, they'd be really good having something like that. Maybe a morning show like on a music station.
  4. I actually thought the coach was tolerable during football season, but he didn't know squat about hockey or any other sport for that matter.
  5. Anybody miss "The Coach?"
  6. I better not get more than 6 notifications a week, or I'm suing.
  7. Is that 20 dollars cash? Or a gift certificate to 34 Rush?
  8. Even better. Yeah, but would you trust him to drive the cart?
  9. Basically, if you don't choose to re-sign with your current team, you get thrown in a draft pool. And there'd be a special draft held just for those players.
  10. There's always next year

  11. e=(mo)(fo)2 Quite simple really. e= Thurman's finally plan. mo= number of tweets he's sent. fo= number of retweets Of course this equation varies by how much it happens to by on by.
  12. It seems that Bruins fans sympathize with his views. Have Jacobs sell the team to Sterling, who would be warmly welcomed in Boston, then Jacobs is free to buy the Bills. Everyone wins.
  13. You do that, you got to box. Two minutes. You feel shame, then you get free. But for real, you would probably have rules about what positions they've lined up at.
  14. I'm not saying I agree, I'm just giving you a solution to that specific problem. On that note, how do special teams players work? Because you can draft a QB as a "placeholder" during that round.
  15. What would be more Tuel like is if he hit the green on his first shot, and was, lets say, two yards from the hole, and then putt it, and it rolled all the way down the hill, back to the tee box.
  16. You could trade your Defensive pick with a team that has a strong O and weak D, and have to picks in the O round.
  17. What does it say? (Can't get Twitter at work.)
  18. If I recall he specifically said that it had nothing to do with the coaching, QB, or ownership situation. Or did he say that in a later tweet? I know he specified that before announcing what it was.
  19. So, not that I think it would happen in a million years, but with this late draft, we gotta have something to talk about besides Manziel, or trying to pick up Tebow. So what if, instead of become a full free agent now where you can sign with whoever you want, there was a draft. So your two options would be either re-sign with your current team, or go into a draft. This draft would work just like the regular draft, where the team that drafted you would have exclusive signing rights. Of course there would be salary rules in place where you have to pay them a certain percentage of their salary if you sign them. Again, not the the NFLPA would ever go for it, but it's something fun to think about.
  20. And their induction ceremony last I checked was also in NYC. What's so great about NYC anyway?
  21. Reliant NRG in Houston has their offical pregame "tailgate" party, with $2.00 beers, that last time I was there, we were allowed to bring them in.
  22. +1 _______ Cancer is nothing to joke about. It gets very aggrisive.
  23. Legally speaking, yes. But even if she did, does Jim Kelly, or anybody who couldn't pay full price, have the money to support the team once they get a hold of it? And do you really want Erie County, or the ever so smooth operation known as the city of Buffalo running the Bills?
  24. New Orleans was great. I had an awesome time there, or atleast they told me so. I honestly thought the whole NFL was not family friendly, and certainly not friendly with out of town fans. But New Orleans really changed my view on that. I went to Houston the year before, which is where I live right now, and their fans were a bit indifferent towards me. However, in New Orleans, the fans were downright friendly. Of course both cities had their fair share off @$$***s, but what city doesn't? Although like you said, I'm sure it doesn't hurt that Buffalo wasn't a threat to them.
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