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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Really disapointed that it took six pages before you posted this.
  2. I hate getting into this debate but here it goes. Racial profiling is wrong. But people are breaking the law, whether the law is a just one or not, are not doing anything to fight against the sterotype. He's actually reinforcing the sterotype and proving the cop, as wrong as it is to make those assumptions, right.
  3. Always glad to have your perspective Mr. Goodell. Keep up the good work, but keep Bon Jovi out of Buffalo.
  4. Is there a way to find that online? IIRC, The Stones recorded some of their biggest hits there in like a 3 day session. Honky Tonk Women, Brown Sugar, Wild Horses, and something else.
  5. Sad. Such talent wasted. He always seems to be a pretty good guy too. Dude needs help.
  6. NOt to mention the fact that the Bears are 95 years old, so pretty sure nobody is jumping off that bandwagon any time soon. It'd be like trying to add another team in WI.
  7. Billboards might actually work. Shows a prospective owners we're a town full of people who are willing to waste large amounts of money on useless things.
  8. So we've gone from the extreme of seven years of soccer style riots, to writing letters to a non local newspaper that the person who it is inteded for may or may not read.
  9. They're not "Real fans." They've had a loyal fanbase for what, two years? A historical franchise like Green Bay, Detroit, or Pittsburgh moving North, all have had historically large fanbases. Yeah, Cleveland moved, but they gave a team back to a city that had a historic team. Not that it makes it right. But to take a historic team, with a large fanbase, and move them to an expansion market, in a forign nation no less, wouldn't sit well.
  10. Yeah, but they already had a black eye, granted a temporary one, from Houson and Cleveland. And as much as I hate to say it, I don't see Buffalo getting a team if this one leaves.
  11. NOt that I condone the protest, but it wouldn't be to send a message to the NFL, but to get public opinion, on the national level, on our side.
  12. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand, attendance is a much smaller revenue maker than people think. Most revenue comes from TV ratings and merchandise sales.
  13. Why are you hating on the Sabres when you literally have their logo in your profile picture?
  14. You seem to know a lot about him for someone who hates hockey.
  15. Kaletta is idolized simply for being a hometown hero.
  16. You really should send this letter in to the folks up in Toronto trying to steal our team. Or at least try to get it published in the opinion section of a news paper up there. Let people know there are good people, Bills fans, in Canada, that don't want the team to leave.
  17. I don't take them seriously when they talk about "rocker" Jon Bon Jovi.
  18. Alabama being anything not college voids it for me.
  19. Exactly. It'll be like Southern NHL teams. But worse. Because Southern hockey teams draw crowds from displaced Northerners.
  20. That would never work. However, UDFA players, late round draft picks, etc, could develop. And play during the NFL offseason. I love football, and miss it about 2 weeks after the the Super Bowl. I even decide to give Arena Football a chance every year, and regret it. I would watch any team play just to fill that void, but if I could watch a team where there are Bills prospects, I'd even have a rooting interest.
  21. I'd rather see an expansion than a move. I don't see why a B Leauge would flop. It'd basically be NFL Europe but here. Only reason it didn't work out is because Europe isn't going to embrace American Football.
  22. Yeah. But people who have loyalty to NYC teams are split. Two in all sports, and three in hockey if you include the Devils. Buffalo, and "Upstate" New York, are more or less united. It's like when a third party candidate splits votes.
  23. Why haven't we ever had red jerseys?
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