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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. A lot of places here in Texas pro and college take a backseat to High School.
  2. The movie came out when when I was 10 and I thought it was awesome, and had great memories of it. I wish I would have kept it that way. Bought it at Big Lots for two bucks and had nothing to do on a Thursday night and rewatched it now at 24, and realized how bad it really was.
  3. From what I've read Titans games are what Vols fans do to pass the time on Sundays, and that there's not much passion for the pros there.
  4. Doug Flutie and the team make the playoffs, so he takes the whole offense out to a celebration dinner. They all get food poisoning so the Second String, mostly practice squad tackling dummies have to come in. The coach, a mean guy named Chuck Dicktor (totally not Chuck Dickerson) had some past issues with the now starting QB, who's getting old but wins based on trick plays that make the statue of liberty play look professional. Long story short, they line up to win the Super Bowl by kicking a FG in reference to Wide Right, and then it's a fake, and they win by throwing the ball backwards a bunch of time to win (in reference to the Music City Tragedy). So basically, even when I want to pretend my team is winning the Super Bowl, I can't enjoy it.
  5. I bought it at Big Lots too. Also has a cameo by (then QB) Doug Flutie and Van Miller. I did notice though that they used some real game film, with Andre in the background, yet they also had a fictional player who was #83.
  6. EJ is only 1-1 in games on Fox, so he'll prolly come out and screw it all up. Also, the league is only doing this because they hate us. Better?
  7. Is that his name? Somehow I hate him even more now.
  8. Do they really think anybody actually likes that guy?
  9. I've seen a lot of baseball teams do this and leave a roster spot open on the AAA team so they can still get insurance benefits.
  10. Hmmm. I've never actually lived there, but met quite a few Packers fans and the ones I've met always seemed like down to earth knowledgable football fans.
  11. Nailed it. This guy actually reminds me of Randy Quaid in Major League II. Who turned on the team, or atleast pretended too, yet still used his season tickets to show up every game and boo them. Then of course changed his mind at the end when they won.
  12. Oh yeah, just reminded me, Sabres are gonna suck too.
  13. I'd take him, IF EJ doesn't work out, and IF the price is right. Also, if God forbid something happens to our offensive skill players, and Eli wouldn't be the final difference maker, than no.
  14. What's the Sabres record when you've gone?
  15. We have plenty of fans from other teams on here, giving their opinion about the team, and it's nice to get an outsiders opinion. However, they don't feel the need to go on a rant every time about why they think they've somehow graduated from being a Bills fan.
  16. You never were a Bills fan to begin with. You also stated that if you have problems in a marriage, you just end it. And then you come back one a year to troll us?!?! C'mon dude.
  17. That's great, the only way they can get people in there is to show other games. Didn't they have a deal where 25 bucks got you a game ticket and two free beers?
  18. First off their* Second, to be fair, our fanbase is the same way.
  19. You've made two posts one of which states that the Bills aren't your favorite team, and another insulting our city. Quite trolly/
  20. Maybin atleast had hype based on how good he might have ended up being. Football related hype.
  21. Offense is our biggest question mark. Defense looks fine.
  22. I try to make it to a Texans pre-season game every year, tickets are normally like 20 bucks. Honestly, I'm not sure I would want the Texans to win the SB. I always have mixed feelings about them. I really like the players, JJ Watt is a beast on the field, and an angel off. The fanbase is what makes them hard to like. But even if I were to gravitate to them as a very distant #2 team, I still couldn't bring myself to root for a SB. I'll admit it'll be out of pure jealousy though. Luckily, doesn't seem they'll be getting there any time soon. They have fans?
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