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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I'll be at the game in the top level. I'm jumping from the balcony.
  2. Did he give an autograph to the guy to your right? #TooSoon ?
  3. Didn't Scott Norwood lead the team out once last year, or the year before?
  4. Yeah, but Houston is the visiting team, and they're AFC. So that would make it CBS.
  5. Watch the game and take notes for us on the Texans.
  6. Good. They all said we wouldn't beat the Bears either. I hope they pick against us every week.
  7. To be fair, and I hate feeling like I'm sticking up for this troll, isn't this what all Bills fans have been saying for two years?
  8. Dude has no idea the sense of community surrounding this team. I'm sure he feels that the Seahawks 12th man does help.
  9. What would our esteemed commissioner and respect poster Roger Goodell say to this?
  10. Well he is from Bleacher Report, one of the most respected and reliable source of sports insight out there.
  11. Exactly. So wouldn't the NFL do what they can to push as many feel good stories as possible?
  12. Maybe our coach just recovered from a very serious run in with BLANK cancer?
  13. Maybe the most beloved player in this teams history just got a clean bill of health?
  14. The Buffalo Bills have been emotionally abusing me since I was a young child.
  15. Um, IN? Or are you gonna change the whole thread again?
  16. One way I look at it, is this. Even if we do implode, and go 6-10 or whatever, guess what? For the first time in 15-20 years, I can say with absolute certainty, that there's always next year.
  17. Honestly, even if he didn't run, he could prolly win the next mayoral election on write in ballots alone.
  18. I said the same thing after that game. Going for it on 4th down just gives us another chance to try to stop them.
  19. Not loading on my computer. Can someone copy and paste the article and PM it to me please?
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