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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I Really know. we Don't play denver For another Month.
  2. How about an epic three way battle thread of Kyle Orton vs EJ Manuel vs Ryan Fitzpatrick?!?!? That would pit brother against brother, father against son. Maybe throw Tebow in for good measure?
  3. Can Terry Pegula have a guy on his football team named Orton, AND own a hockey team with a retired player named Horton?
  4. Well that explains it. THe original one was saying that he was THE biggest. This one just says he's on the list. Two completely different topics.
  5. Unfortunately, this is a bigger concern to them than their health.
  6. Being able to see the Bills in my new home town of Houston every year would be great. It'd never happen, but that'd be nice. I don't follow soccer at all, so feel free to elaborate or clarify if someone knows more about it. But if I recall, doesn't soccer re-arrange their conferences/divisions every few years based on the standings? That'd be kind of cool. That way we're not stuck playing a powerhouse team like the Patriots every year for fifteen years.
  7. Not sure they'd wanna get rid of the Ravens-Browns rivalry. Cleveland loves to hate the Ravens with the whole stealing of their team and all.
  8. Better party, Buffalo Bills Tailgate, or European soccer match?
  9. That's one of the good sides of the deal. From a financial standpoint, Rogers paid the team a flat fee, and we made the same amount no matter how many tickets were sold. I could be wrong about that, but I know I read that in a few places.
  10. This is just hypothetical. To be honest, I don't know why Rogers agreed to extend the series. They were the ones losing money.
  11. If for some reason we had to compromise, would anybody be opposed to playing one if not both preseason games in Toronto for the remainder of the contract?
  12. Every time I watch a Bills/Jets/Giants game being played in Florida on TV, I see more fans for the visiting team than the home team.
  13. I think it's great that your name is Canadian Bills Fan and you are/were against the Toronto series more than any American Bills fan I know.
  14. I wonder what the record is for most times picked up and dropped from a single team in a career. He's gotta be up there.
  15. Sunday was the Toronto game.
  16. So glad someone brought this question up right away before our heart was almost broken like it was when it was learned that he also owned an NHL team and our hopes were almost lost. But yeah, I was watching this league on TV the other night. It was late night on some local sports channel. It might do better if it was during the NFL offseason, and they'd get some decent TV ratings from people who just want to watch some football, as opposed to the Arena Football League. But they did it this way so that a player can be cut from the NFL/Practice Squad and immedietly go play somewhere.
  17. Being that the team is only 5 and 3, we're looking to fire everybody from Hackett, to Crossman, to the towelboy. Is there anybody that doesn't deserve to be fired after this travesty of a half season?!?!
  18. Last year in New Orleans all the fans were really nice to me, except for one dude. I had been drinking since Friday so by Sunday was too hungover to drink. My whole row was Bills fans, some that I knew, most I didn't, all were drunk. I was on the aisle, and most Saints fans were really nice. But one guy was just a jerk to everybody. Except of course the quiet, hungover, sober one at the end of the aisle. So of course, since I'm not talking back, being hungover, and knowing we had no chance of winning. Seeing that I'm not talking back, he decides that he wants to yell straight at me. I ignore him, and that just infuriated him even more till he was right in my face. Got to the point where other Saints fans were apologizing to me on his behalf. Guy behind me had Freddie on his fantasy team so even highfived and cheered with us after he scored a touchdown. Playful taunting back and forth is fun, but there's a limit. If I wasn't a guest in the stadium, I would have hit him.
  19. I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they might have been getting an usher/security?
  20. Not just Modrak era, but Terrell Owens.
  21. I love this kid, although he could learn a lesson from Thurman Thomas' hall of fame speech. "Marv, I remember my first game against the Houston Oilers, against the Minnesota Vikings, I spiked the ball. When I came over to the sideline, you had this look in your eye like you were very upset at me. You grabbed me by my jersey and said, Why did you spike the ball? I said, Coach, every little kid that ever watches football at least wants to do that at least one time in his career. He said, Well, that's great, don't ever do it again. Act like you've been there before. After that, I never spiked the ball again. So thank you, Marv"
  22. Maybe my sights are set low, but I'd be satisfied with 8-8. I wouldn't be happy about it, but it'll be the best record we've had in 9 years. It'll show improvement and I'd be happy to see him stay on another year.
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