Last year in New Orleans all the fans were really nice to me, except for one dude. I had been drinking since Friday so by Sunday was too hungover to drink. My whole row was Bills fans, some that I knew, most I didn't, all were drunk. I was on the aisle, and most Saints fans were really nice. But one guy was just a jerk to everybody. Except of course the quiet, hungover, sober one at the end of the aisle. So of course, since I'm not talking back, being hungover, and knowing we had no chance of winning. Seeing that I'm not talking back, he decides that he wants to yell straight at me. I ignore him, and that just infuriated him even more till he was right in my face. Got to the point where other Saints fans were apologizing to me on his behalf. Guy behind me had Freddie on his fantasy team so even highfived and cheered with us after he scored a touchdown. Playful taunting back and forth is fun, but there's a limit. If I wasn't a guest in the stadium, I would have hit him.