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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I came to this conclusion four years ago when I went to a Chuck Berry concert with less than 500 attendees, yet Justin Bieber is selling out large arenas. Also, points for mentioning Willie Dixon.
  2. I was nine years old when it happened. Watched it on a small black and white TV in my mother's room, because my babysitter hated football. I literally haven't watched that play since that day. However, I'd kill for a loss like this at this point, because at least we're in the Super Bowl.
  3. NKreeds name comes from his favorite band Creed, he's just too stupid to spell it right.
  4. Oh thanks for the uplift. I could also walk outside and get hit by a bus. This is a risk for every team in the NFL. We need to be above that. Our defense lost the best player to injury this year, and turned out just fine.
  5. It their defense, they've gotten slightly better in the past few years. But their snub of metal bands like Iron Maiden and Motorhead are unforgiveable. Also, Alice Cooper got in like 13 years after he was eligible.
  6. I'm glad Stevie Ray Vaughn finally got in. Now he'll finally be with all the the rock greats like ABBA and Maddonna.
  7. Am I the only one who thinks that Ringo getting into the Hall of Fame as a solo artist is a joke? Besides the fact that the whole HOF is a joke.
  8. Were you even a mild Beatles fan previously?
  9. BringBackFergy's name has nothing to do with Bills QB Joe Ferguson, but the pop singer from the early 2000s.
  10. I honestly thought this was a troll thread after reading the first sentence. Lol.
  11. LeviF91's picture is the one on the flyer that he's legally required to hand to all his neighbors when he moves.
  12. Maybe I should make it captain Hindsight so I can have the 1st most hated man in Buffalo.
  13. shrader can't even tell who the last poster is. Yes ma'am!
  14. Captain Hindsight will say something he regrets and not make it to 11,000 posts.
  15. PastaJoe's avatar is a picture of him as a child.
  16. Everybody hates you now, and they hated you when you were Joe F as well.
  17. I luv how u use 4 instead of for in your s/n. Way 2 cute. -12 year old girls everywhere.
  18. You're trees are not happy!
  19. I'd sign Jay Cutler to a ten year contract to get him to leave Chicago, before I ever had to watch a single game with you.
  20. It seems we're not just gonna pull the trigger on this one, which is good. How long will it take for us to find a coach? What is the earliest we need a coach? Two months before draft day?
  21. We could pull a Cleveland and fire the new guy after his first year.
  22. I'm not an idiot. At least not officially.
  23. Two-Time Pinstripe Bowl Champion. Plus, he went 25-25 there. It's hard to win in the Big East.
  24. That fight him and Russ got into in the beginning of the year. He yelled "Just go ahead and fire me!" or something along those lines. Has he been planning to leave since draft day, or am I looking too far into it?
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