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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I really like Don't Shoot the Piano Player. But my mom bought that album when I was young, and it was my first introduction to his music, so it may be more of a personal/nostalgic thing for me.
  2. I first read this as one shot every 60 minutes, and thought "That's the most lightweight thing I've ever heard."
  3. Elton has released two full albums of country songs. Plus more than a handful on his other albums. He's so versitle. A ballad, a rock number, a country song, all on one album.
  4. What Pet Peeves do you have at concerts? From fellow concert goes, staff, performers, etc. People who feel the need to film the entire show. I get wanting a snippet of one or two of your favorite songs. But no need to film every moment of the show. Especially when you're putting it up in the air so people behind you can't see. At risk of sounding like a boomer, put your damn phone away. Wasting time not playing. I get you need time between songs to rest, tune up, change instruments, etc. But I don't need the same lame attmept at stnadup that you do in every city about how great the city is. Also, unless you're a known virtuoso on your instrument (I'm talking Clapton, Peart, etc.), keep random solos that aren't during the song to a minimum. I saw Charlie Daniels Band once, and they had a five minute drum solo. Nobody is paying to see a drum solo at a country music concert. People who get up, and walk around during lesser known songs. I paid to see the whole concert. I know you're not familiar with the song, sometimes I'm not, but I want to hear it. In b4 Old.Man.Yells.At.Cloud.Jpg
  5. Odd, I saw him on his current farewell tour and it was one of his best. A lot of the songs he would sit and talk for a minute about his writing process for the song or any stories about it, etc. Honestly, the more concerts I go to like that, the better. I don't really care about hearing the pandering "It's great to be in Houston tonight." Just play the effin song.
  6. Rocketman shows a pretty cool look into their working relationship. They were even roommates for a little bit while they were starting out. Even then, they usually worked from separate rooms. Also, if you have Amazon Prime, "Classic Albums: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" is pretty good too. My favorite Elton John song is "Bennie and the chest." "She's got electric boobs, her mom has two, you know I thought that they were double dee-hees, oh.... B, B, B, Bennie and her chest."
  7. The legal limit of .08 really even isn't that much. It's purposely low because they'd rather be safe than sorry. 0.13 is roughly two beers in the past hour for the average person.
  8. Elton writes all of his music, no lyrics. Bernie Taupin wrote most of Elton's lyrics. They have a weird working relationship. Bernie will give his lyrics to Elton, who then bangs them out on the piano, usually in a matter of minutes. They're rarely in the same room together. They were working by mail for a little while and Elton had put music to like 20 of Bernie's songs before they'd ever met in person.
  9. Inspired by the Billy Joel thread, I decided to see who people like better. Although I think Billy Joel is a better singer, Elton is the better songwriter, and I just enjoy his songs a little bit more.
  10. True. I never appreciated this until I moved to Houston. In Buffalo, once Bills kickoff starts, the streets are virtually empty until the game is over. Houston just isn't that way. Half the town are fans of the Cowboys and Saints. Most people who do care, only watch casually. Since moving here, I've adopted the Astros as my team (sounds easy, but they were losing 100+ games when I started going), and University of Houston as my college team. When I first moved here, the Astros sucked. I'm a huge baseball fan so I loved it. I could buy a $5 ticket and sit virtually anywhere. Now you can't get a nosebleed ticket for less than $30. Cougars the same way. I came here the year before Case Keenum's senior year, and had season tickets in the bleachers in the end zone. Case was hurt, so the team didn't do that great. My cousin, my friend, and I usually had enough room to spread our legs across the bleachers. The next season, when Case was back, and breaking all sorts of records, we were shoulder to shoulder. I thought it was great. But the next year, when he left, so did the fan support. Back half empty stadiums again. I'm sure if the Astros start sliding back (hopefully not any time soon), it will be the same way. It's just not like that in Buffalo. Win or lose, the whole town is all about the Bills and Sabres. I'm sure we're not the only city like this, but I think being in a smaller market has something to do with it.
  11. Yes. The fact that Joe Girardi took what was supposed to be a rebuilding team to Game 7 of the ALCS, and lost to the eventual World Series champions, and fired him, was absolutely ridiculous.
  12. Option one. 0.13% isn't really that much in the grand scheme of things. And while he may be impaired, must buzzed drivers know they're impared so they have their hands at 10 and 2 and keep their eyes on the road. The only thing to worry about essentially would be reaction time, and slamming the breaks if necessary. Someone texting isn't even looking at the road. Of course my option is neither, but I was asked to choose between the two.
  13. I was never on BBMB, but from what I understand, almost any critcism of the team/coaches/FO etc wasn't tolerated. I'm also a member of the most popular Bills group on Facebook. Don't want to name names, but if you're in there, you know which one I mean. Absolute trash of a page. Just people posting stale memes about Brady, showing off tattoos, and random pictures of them wearing Bills gear in what they always like to call "enemy territory." Or pictures of wings becuase "Get it? We're from Buffalo so that's our favorite food?" On the rare occasion they actually talk about football, it's takes that make even the worst TSW article worthy of the cover story of Sports Illustrated. It wasn't until I joined the latter group that I learned to appriciate the camraderie and well thought out posts on here. I don't post much on the main board. Mostly because most of you know so much more about football than I do, that I really don't have anything of value that hasn't already been said. But I've learned a lot from you guys over the years, and met some people that I'd genuinely call friends. Thanks to @SDS and all the other mods (especially @Canadian Bills Fan who I like to think got the job because of my hard work as a campaign manager) for keeping out the riff raff posts.
  14. My work computer blocks like half the images here, but tries to give you a description of what's in the picture.
  15. Official NFL fan shop won't let you make a Simpson 32. But I've see ones that said "Juice" "OJ" "Da Juice" "Innocent" and my favorite "Allegedly."
  16. Talking about Billy Joel you idiot. Not Billy Vera.
  17. I like Uptown Girl. But that's because I'm a Frank Valli fan, and it's an obvious tribute to him/The Four Seasons. The Longest Time because I like Doo-*****. But yeah, for the most part, garbage. Billy Joel realized that nobody cares about new music from his era anyway, so hasn't released new music since the early 90s. Still regularly tours playing his old hits. Sad because he's one of the ones I'd be genuinely interested in hearing new material from. He also had a song about how he may be crazy, and even drove his motorcycle in the rain, so I think that's okay.
  18. Scenes From an Italian Restaurant Goodnight Saigon My Life The Entertainer Just The Way You Are (Mother/Son dance at my wedding) Basically The Entire Stranger Album
  19. This is similar to how the Astros built the team they have now. They signed Carlos Beltran who was well past his prime as a player. But he served as an unofficial player/coach. Which is what I think Shady and Gore are there for. What Anderson was supposed to be. Even Kyle in the past year or two. Carlos had authentic wrestling belts made for the team. Handed them out after every game to the game MVP. Anybody who didn't show up to the "ceremony" was fined $500. As stupid as it seemed at the time, it brought them together as a team.
  20. We come on the Sloop John B My grandfather and me Around Nassau town we did roam Drinking all night Got into a fight Well I feel so broke up I want to go home So hoist up the John B's sail See how the main sail sets Call for the Captain ashore Let me go home, let me go home I want to go home, yeah yeah Well I feel so broke up I want to go home
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