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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. He's not my ideal candidate, but I'd take him.
  2. They also stole their team from Baltimore. Granted Baltimore stole the Browns back, and two wrongs don't make a right, but still isn't right. Reason I won't root for Indy, Baltimore, or Tennessee.
  3. You were behind the Bills in Toronto Series idea.
  4. There are a few minor benefits that are mostly used for editing mistakes without having to re-record. Robert Plant actually admits to using early methods of autotune on certain songs like Black Dog. But I agree that the negative outweigh the positive.
  5. Saint Doug imparted his wisdom and left. He's like the Mary Poppins of sainthood.
  6. What you did there. I see it.
  7. Keukasmallies can't even make a pop culture reference without pointing out what he's referring to.
  8. The only thing I get from the whole "Coaches were told to start EJ" is that, like it or not EJ is the best QB on our roster. Nothing is for sure as far as acquiring a veteran QB, so they want to make sure that if they don't get another option, how would they develop EJ.
  9. I stopped reading after Trade Dareus. No way we get rid of anybody on that DL.
  10. Not related to the conversation, but I see you beat me to the feet picture avatar idea.
  11. You can't deny that by those specifications, and certainly at the time that he was put up there, he does fit the qualificaions. I say why make a big stink about it? Leave it up there, and when/if we get a new stadium, just quietly don't put it back.
  12. Is there any sort of "mission statement" about what the wall means? I know the HOF has standards that specifically mention that it's for their football accomplishments.
  13. "I'd never done a crazy thing in my life before that night. Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle, it's called heroic, yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder?" -Glenn from Stan Mikita's Donuts, Wayne's World
  14. You hate them? I couldn't tell.
  15. Doug kicked the fish after the Browns loss. But here's the thing, we beat the Browns. There was no reason to kick the fish. Why did you do it Doug? #(%$ you doug!
  16. When he first came in, he gave a speech about how he understands the people of Buffalo, being from the Bronx. $*#& you buddy. NYC is not Buffalo. Anybody who's ever lived outside the area can tell you that. Two completely different cities jackass. Out of towners barely get a pass, but you have no excuse. You're the worst.
  17. So should I what? I didn't suggest anybody do anything.
  18. How do you hate Derek Jeter? I hate the Yankees more than anybody else, but you gotta respect him. I think the media kisses his @$$ too much, but that's not on him.
  19. What would a punishment be? Just a fine I'd assume? Is this really that big of a deal?
  20. I was trying to keep this Bills related. Now that it isn't, my Boss told me I had too much hatred in my heart. He told me to make a list of everything/person I hate. This document is dated May 2013. New York YankeesAlex Rodriguez George Steinbrunner Fans New England PatriotsTom Brady Bill Belicheat MSNBC Piers Morgan Miami DolphinsDan Marino Don Shula 1972 LeBron James Indoor/domed baseball stadiums Cheap BeerNatty Light Bud Light Busch Light Keystone Light Elvis Presley Computerized music Toronto Maple Leafs Sydney Crosby The word “soda” California Hippies Country songs about redneck/southern/small town/rural pride Double Negatives The Burger King at the corner of 646 and 517 in Dickinson, TX The Night staff at the Alvin Kroger New York City Willis McGahee Alex Rodriguez The Houston Rockets NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman The song “Imagine” by John Lennon PETA Baytown Seafood in Alvin The Big Bang Theory Two and a Half Men (with Ashton Kutcher) Dane Cook Soccer Rochester, NY Jay Leno The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame The Baltimore Ravens/Art Modell The Tennessee Titans/ Bud Adams Wrong usage of the word “literally” Hidden fees when buying tickets Des Moines, Iowa The 1919 Chicago White Sox The word “Kudos.” Dallas Cowboys The term “America’s Team” to describe the aforementioned team People who love country music People who hate country music Uncool cars that get “tricked out.” Disco Music People with Bob Marley/Nirvana shirts/posters and don’t know more than three songs from them. People who show up late to a sporting event
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