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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. The low information, MTV Rock The Vote type voters that still support him. http://variety.com/2015/digital/news/youtube-stars-to-interview-president-obama-after-state-of-the-union-1201405959/ These geniuses, "YouTube stars" as they're called, will be interviewing him after the SOTU. You know, instead of people who went to journalism school, and are respected in the industry (granted they're few and far between these days). I'm sure they'll ask the hard hitting questions that the nation is burning to ask.
  2. I used that term very loosely, and I actually regret doing it.
  3. I love how they put them there as if these people are some sort of civil rights pioneers, whose opinions we all just need to hear, and not just terrible musicians.
  4. Technically. I think the legally changed the name from Music Television to just MTV because there's no music involved anymore.
  5. Does this actually do anything to call attention to anybody but themselves? http://www.mtv.com/news/2052550/mlk-the-talk/
  6. Good question. Plus, if they end up taking this seriously, the outrage over why they didn't take the domestic abuse allegations as serious as this.
  7. I agree with your first two points. The third point is a bit excessive though. A lifetime ban for something this insignificant. Assuming they find wrongdoing, should there be a penalty, of course. I'll even argue that it should be sharper considering the fact that this isn't the first time they've done this. But a lifetime ban? C'mon.
  8. Shocked...at how great the burgers are at 34 Rush in Batavia!
  9. I actually said that semi jokingly. I don't think he actually had anything to do with wide right, but this could go back. But after looking into it, balls used for kicking are actually held by the officials.
  10. Now that I think about it, Belicheat was an assistant on the Giants in the 90. What the hell kind of ball did Norwood kick?
  11. Same way that BringBackFergy got access to his diary.
  12. Well they definitely have cheated atleast once in history. Possibly twice.
  13. No he meant it. he could care less, otherwise why did he open the thread?
  14. Living down here, I'd love to run into him somewhere. I'd have a few choice words for him.
  15. Bingo. I don't think anybody is denying that they're good. They're damn good. They really are two of the best QB and coach in the league. But they still cheated. Which is why I don't get why they feel the need to cheat.
  16. What they should have done, any bowl sanctions, scholarship punishments etc, should have been put in place three years after. That would hurt the school/program with their scouting efforts, yet still gives the players who are already there a chance.
  17. They should just have Brady run the investigation. I'm sure he'd find no problems.
  18. http://espn.go.com/espn/thelife/news/story?id=3139687 Number six.
  19. That's part of the fun. The irony of how bad it is, coupled with the memories behind it, are what make it so great. It's a tradition.
  20. Agreed. Plus, look at the players who granted aren't kids anymore, that had their wins taken away. Punish the criminals, whoever they are, to the fullest extent of the law. Of course that's more important than football. But this isn't a football thing, and they didn't break any NCAA rules.
  21. Is it the offseason already?
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