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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I agree. Didn't the All-Star Game end in a tie like a year or two earlier because they ran out of pitchers?
  2. They should change it to a flag football game with all the players mic'd up having fun. You'd get more stars, because unless there's some crazy accident, nobody gets hurt.
  3. This is inaccurate. Belicheat has no heart.
  4. You also get an add'l cracker for every 5%.
  5. http://www.people.com/article/michael-moore-explains-snipers-tweets-american-sniper
  6. Also, nothing you say can be racist if you donate atleast 10% of your income to the DNC.
  7. Exactly, he's prolly a die hard. Been with them for like 3 years now!
  8. Make him play out his contract like an adult. Also, dude, change your signature. Unless you're talking about Whaley, in which case, carry on.
  9. Glad to see he's jobless and somehow made it to the NFC championship game.
  10. If anybody is a fan of Glenn Beck, and you have The Blaze (Dish Network channel 212) He and his radio co-hosts Pat & Stu will be watching live and mocking it the whole time Mystery Science Theater style.
  11. If anything, see it to piss off Michael Moore. I plan to see it this weekend. I was a big fan Lone Survivor as well, movie had the same effect on the theater I saw it in. Dead silence.
  12. Not gonna lie. Not an Obama supporter, but free German beer and brat, I'd show up, if not just for the stupid people watching.
  13. His brother went to my high school when he first started playing here. Everybody was really excited to meet him and he was the same way. Really quiet.
  14. If the mother had just said to the parents "Hey, I paid for him, would it be too much to ask for you to still pay his share?" there wouldn't be an issue. It's the douchy way they went about it.
  15. Then people who want the free meal at the watch party?
  16. The racism he faced is why he kept pursing the cause despite being thrown in jail multiple times? Seriously? Sure, obviously racism was the issue. But if he had no faith, do you think he'd just keep pursuing it?
  17. Only a Canadian would be so polite as to thank somebody on a message board for making a mistake, INstead of chastising them, like we're supposed to.
  18. He was questionable through the whole "undefeated" season.
  19. Unfortunately, Bill Belicheat, and the Patriots*** don't have the respect for the game that you once thought they did.
  20. From now on, when I send out party invitations, I'm gonna include a legal binding contract to be sent back to me, that needs to be signed at a notary public.
  21. Belicheat embellishing the injury report. http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/another-spygate-former-patriots-say-belichick-is-cheating-injury-reports-032014
  22. Nobody is saying that they would have lost, or that it even had much of an impact on the game. If this was the first accusation of them cheating, it might have chalked up to bad equipment manager, mistake, etc. But this is like the third time this has happened. It's their lack of respect for the rules of the game.
  23. Of all the non Bills from before my time, going just by highlight clips, Earl Campbell is the most fun to watch. He'd have like five guys on him, and he'd just plow through. Poor guy has terrible knee problems now and can barely walk because of it. Spends most of his time in a wheelchair. Sad, really.
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