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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I thought it was great. I just saw it last night, silent theater just like everyone else said. I'm not sure why there's this whole debate about whether the movie is pro war/anti war. It's a little of both I guess. It's just showing the harsh realites of what war really is and the effect it has on those on the front lines and their families.
  2. I actually always liked Rex Ryan. Hated when he beat us, especially with below average teams, but he was always a likeable guy. He was great in that Adam Sandler movie.
  3. Actually they have a stricter drug/steroid policy than the four major sports. They make them all test weekly.
  4. I could reverse the question. If it events played out like they did, and Norwood missed like he did, due to over/under inflation, what would your response be?
  5. Captain Insane-o. We show no mercy.
  6. Technically they were in the rules on that one. Stupid trick play, similar to cinematic classic Second String, but still technically legal, so it doesn't make me as mad.
  7. http://www.theonion.com/articles/nation-cant-wait-to-hear-patriots-fans-excuses-thi,37819/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default&recirc=super-bowl
  8. Only thing I can think Is Don Beebee's foot being out of bounds in The Comeback. That wasn't cheating, it was just bad officiating. Beebe admit later, after he saw the tape, that it was the wrong call.
  9. What if we signed Tebow along with him?
  10. The team that hasn't been to the playoffs last, might be the team that doesn't cheat, and should automatically go to the Super Bowl.
  11. I sat there debating whether or not I should take the high road. I took the road most traveled.
  12. To be fair, legit cause or not, of course Colts fans would be whining about it.
  13. They could have went about it better. If I were in the situation of the kid who didn't attend, and the parents politely approached me and explained they'd already paid ahead of time, etc, I'd be more apt to pay. Or even a small note. But to go to the level of having a whole bill made up, that's just being a jerk.
  14. "Yes officer, I drove home drunk with a .17 BAC. But I didn't kill anybody this time, and probably would have made it home sober. So it really isn't that big of a deal."
  15. Pro Football Mock stole it, and actually wrote the story. Or vice versa. http://profootballmock.com/scandal-new-england-patriots-accused-overinflating-vince-wilfork/
  16. I chaged the settings on my iPhone shortcuts to add an astericks after the word Patriots*.
  17. THey kind of started the bombing. We just ended it.
  18. You a Sabres fan or a BJs fan?
  19. So hijacking a commercial plane full of innocent civilians and crashing it into a building is the honorable, courageous thing to do.
  20. Oh. I guess I was looking for a grammar flub or something like that. Yeah. I voted for that woman. I think I'm write in voting for Willie Nelson from here on out.
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