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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. What kind of would suggest such an idea?
  2. Imagine what Fergy would do if he had access to all them goats...
  3. And we've been terrible since that happened.
  4. So it's settled. The Bisons aren't leaving, and Fergy and I, with our combined 20 Bills logos are a powerful force.
  5. Update: Still unsigned. Hopefully we can fix the team and sign him back. Or he at least doesn't go to another AFCE team.
  6. Jonte Green was prolly a finalist till they stupidly cut him. #Doomed
  7. You only wish you could be related to TRBJ.
  8. Welcome. Is your grandson already a member here? It'd be interesting to get perspective from two generations.
  9. Great game last night. Y'all got a good one on us. But a bad day at the ballpark is still better than a good day at work.
  10. Going tonight. Beer on me if any of you make it down.
  11. NFL only allows one helmet per team.
  12. And Burger King cups. http://www.tmz.com/videos/0_ioh82ic7/
  13. Yo Diary, It's me. Saint Doug again. I ain't written nothing in a while because I've been really busy with recruiting and junk. So when I go back and play the ills (That's a joke diary, because they're called the Bills, but they play like they're ill! (Didn't think you get that since I have such a high brow sense of humor.)), It'll be on the big stage in London. Sure, it's at 9 AM ET back home, but that's because they want us to be the first game of the day! They're not even putting it on TV, but online, so that everybody can see me. I just hope that the servers don't shut down from everybody trying to log on at the same time. Gotta go now, those coffee pots won't fill themselves. Obviously yours, Dr, Saint Douglas Charles Marrone Esq.
  14. Seriously? And now that the legal troubles are basically over, what reasoning does he have for this?
  15. To be fair, atleast he didn't link it so people would click it. Although Jerry Sullivan is getting people to talk about his article, meaning no matter how stupid it is, he's doing his job quite successfully.
  16. "While the Bills as a team are pretty awful, fans can at least take solace in having one of the league's most underrated uniforms." When was this written?
  17. Is it just me, or do they almost always announce new/alternate jerseys before a team has what they're almost sure are going to be a down/rebuilding year?
  18. Oh man. I forgot. I actually have my phone's shortcuts to automatically add the asterisk. Lol.
  19. Damn. I was just starting this thread as a joke. Lol. But I see where you're coming from. I definitely lack self resepct, and it's something I've been working on. And as far a goals, I'm actually enrolling back in college this fall, and I'm searching for a new job. And I know plenty of people who use, and by use I mean misunderstand, Christianity as a "lottery ticket." God ultimately has a plan for everybody's life, but that in no way takes away from human responsibility to achieve said goals.
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