This one was about a week ago: "I'm actually speechless. This is so beyond what I expected, even for the s***show that the NFL consistently proves to be. That massive fine PLUS 4 games PLUS draft picks? So with zero evidence you hand out one of the longest game-related suspensions in recent memory, plus a massive fine AND harm the organization as a whole? All for some ****ing PSI? I have no clue how fans and MSM jokers can look at this and not shake their heads in amazement. No player in the history of the game deserves to be treated like this, and they're doing it to one of the greatest ever. Pats players should be on the verge of revolt right now - to see their leader crushed in the public arena based on nothing but speculation, hatred and jealousy. If Kraft doesn't man the **** up and defend Tom with everything he has, I can't imagine him being very welcome in that locker room come September. I have no idea what to say. I've tried defending Tom and explaining rationally why the Wells report was junk, but the NFL just went ahead and vindicated the irrational hatred that drove this story (and Spygate for that matter). To the average NFL fan, Tom Brady will go down as a cheater just like Barry Bonds and ARod. He's no longer that diamond in the rough potential GOAT, but just some system QB who has benefited from years of systematic cheating in New England. He's back to having never won post-Spygate/Deflategate. We all know that is bull **** and used to laugh it off up until now, but here's the difference ... the NFL just validated that mentality with this pathetic ruling. I feel so bad for Tom. He works so hard and even if he was complicit, this punishment is way out of line. If he's innocent and maintains it, I pray he, BB, Kraft and the entire organization fight this to the end. And that the fans and players give the NFL and opposing clown fans all they can handle (ie. BIG FU) come September. I'd almost love it if Tom walked away right now. He won't, and I envy the courage and balls it's going to take to push through this. But if Kraft sells him out, it's really going to ****ing sting for a dude that's ALWAYS put this team first. And I have to say, I'm inches from being done with this league myself. /rant"