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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. You heard it here first. He's getting his appeal.
  2. 1. For 1 Buffalo. If they can't do the 1.4. But I'm sure if you got a 14, you can find/make a decimal point yourself.
  3. Too stupid to earn all of his Bills logos so he had to steal them.
  4. Richie and Hardin too. Stevie would have been great for this show actually.
  5. Don't most CFL contracts have an out clause if an NFL team comes calling? I could be wrong about that. I know independent minor league baseball teams do, but the CFL doesn't consider themselves minor league.
  6. Can we have a JP/Trent Edwards debate, or is that on the slate for next week?
  7. Already? You're not gonna at least wait to make sure he makes the cut? Lol.
  8. If this is true, we need to sign Michael Sam and assign him to room with Incognito.
  9. How long before this gets turned into a global warming PPP thread?
  10. My account hasn't been approved yet. The second it does, I'm starting a thread there to complain about the injustice and how much the NFL hates the Patriots.
  11. Yes. I am a common man. I'm not some high and mighty snooty mod who thinks he's better than everyone.
  12. We played in the Toyota Center were the Rockets played. The cheapest tickets were like $13 bucks, and glass tickets were like $90. I went a lot during the strike year because there was no other hockey to watch. I'd go by myself just because I wanted to watch hockey, and since this is Texas, not too many other people watch. So I'd get the cheap ticket, and find empty seats up close. Made eye contact with Cody McCormick once. Lol.
  13. He did correctly have us pegged as the worst uniform in the NFL when we had the dark blues.
  14. Well by the time I got here they had become an AHL team, now even that is gone though. Best thing we have is a D3 Junior team now. Only good thing about that is the fact that there's a hockey bar there there serves Blue and Molson, and Poutine if you're into that.
  15. Aren't you a Mets fan? Do you make an exception for rally caps?
  16. I went to like ten games a year for them. I was planning on buying season tickets for that team, then they went under the season I was gonna do it.
  17. I have a hasek black/red tshirt jersey. But I want Satan strictly for the fun of freaking out the Mormons/Jehovah's Witness that knock on my door.
  18. They can't prove it. They know nothing about science! Peugla hates us. I'm never supporting the NFL again. Everybody does it!
  19. I think the only reason I didn't like the black/red was because it was a complete shift from blue/gold. If they were a new team, it'd be sweet. I want to get a black and red Satan jersey to wear around Texas just to freak people out. Goat on the front, Satan on the back. And people in Texas know nothing about hockey.
  20. Agreed. The Sabres slug jerseys, although ugly, was one of the best runs in team history, so it gets a pass. I hated the Sabres black and red at the time, but now feel nostalgic for them, again, because the teams were so good. Dark Bills jersey, jerseys sucked, team sucked. Get rid of them.
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