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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I'll be content if we only heard it twice a game. Once for a score, once for the win.
  2. I haven't been to a home game in a while, so I love going to road games and meeting Bills fans from around the world. There's this weird connection that you automatically have when you meet someone who roots for the same team as you. Especially those who are from Buffalo, but even the ones who aren't local fans there's a connection. The pregame party the night before Is always fun. Home games have to be the Shout song. Sure it's cheesy, But that's what we all love about it. Plus, it means we just scored/won. Going to my Bills Backer's bar is always a blast. We have a DJ that plays the Shout song after the scores, plus other music during commercials to keep the party going. Plus we're a tight knit group.
  3. Name actually means bringing back Samuel W. Ferguson. Also known to mumble "The Civil War ain't over, it's just half time, and we're down by seven, but we get the ball." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_W._Ferguson
  4. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/bb-kings-daughters-allege-he-was-poisoned-2015255
  5. IT stands for Information Technology. He wants to work with computers, Howard.
  6. the VIP in your picture stands for Vastly Impotent Penis.
  7. Picks on others to mask his own lack of self of steam.
  8. Not saying it's very likely, but as good as Drew Brees is, if New Orleans doesn't believe they can turn that ship around while he's still good, they may drop him for cap space and to try and groom some up and comer. Unlikely, but I'm holding out hope. It's still real to me damn it!
  9. Thank you. Now we can get to a more current situation. Like Chan's decision to try that Wildcat play against ARZ.
  10. You guys actually almost got us but Golisano refused to sell to out of market buyers.
  11. As everybody in Texas tells me, Buffalo is "basically Canada."
  12. I had a Flutie that was good for a year. I didn't wear it till about 8 years after he left. It was a gift that was given to me when I was nine and it was like a dress on me. I got a throwback Kelly, always gonna be good, and I just won a Fred Jackson one in a raffle last year. Whether he stays or not, even if I bought it. No regrets. Love Fred as a player and a person.
  13. Nothing but respect for Landry and Staubach. It's the Jerruh era Cowboys I can't stand.
  14. You just be hatin'. So did you dislike Flutie back in the day, or is this a hindsight thing? Were you pro Johnson in the Music City Miracle Travesty?
  15. So, similar to the way the Bills had been run the previous decade or so? They knew we'd show up in droves win or lose, and then sign TO or something like that to gain interest. Plus hanging the looming threat of Toronto over us.
  16. It may actually keep certain players with behavior issues (Incognito, Harvin, etc.) on their toes.
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