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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Did you stab the marshall? Beat the constible? Shank the state trooper?
  2. It all started with a seemingly innocent private message from Gugny. Said he was coming down to interview at my old comany, and wanted to meet up for lunch at a local BBQ joint. p// //end So technically, by Brazillian laws, she wasn't a minor, so Fergy was free to go, and we all flew home.
  3. Why isn't a group of squid called a squad?
  4. p// //End and that's how I got to Howard's bottom.
  5. Even immediately after brushing your teeth?
  6. Whats your favorite non alcoholic beverage? I'm a Coke Zero guy myself.
  7. Guy on the far right still runs faster than the Pakistani bowler Yemesh Yemash. Although Fergy still won't admit it.
  8. Agreed. Those are some of the nicest shoes I've ever seen.
  9. He'll be watching the games from the best seat in the house now. Hopefully right next to Ralph. RIP.
  10. I was never a huge fan to begin with. Dead or Alive is a pretty good song, but still nothing spectacular. Now I just hate him, although when me and my buddies from Buffalo go to a bar we'll play his song on the jukebox sarcastically.
  11. Think about how perfect this timing is? Like, what if the Sabres were actually good this year, and made it deep into the playoffs? I'd be way too busy watching the games. And if by chance I did meet her, I'd be too stressed out start any sort of relationship. But no, they suck so I have no sports related stress till September when the Buffalo Bills start. By that point, she will know me enough, and be too attached to just leave after my first post loss pouting session.
  12. She's already seen a picture of me drunk and shirtless (50 lbs ago) in my Zubaz.
  13. But She's pretty and is a good cook.
  14. If it came in Bills colors I'd wear it.
  15. The new girlfriend came over. She made me watch frozen. Now we're having dinner with a couple from my church. So I guess we're official now?
  16. I want to ask what BF stands for, but I know I'll regret it.
  17. Nah. She has no problem with TBD like Brown Sugar did. She actually finds it kind of cute. I just have a new job where I have to do actual work now.
  18. I don't talk football with her really. But she came across an old picture of me. 50 pounds and a year and a half ago, drunk and shirtless in Zubaz singing karaoke. So naturally I had to explain. She's willing to come to the backers bar at least for the fun as long as I stay relatively sober, and keep my shirt on. She even understands the postloss pout, and can accept it as long as I don't take it out on her.
  19. She said she likes college football, but isn't really into the NFL. College games are more fun and the NFL is too greedy. What better team to fetcher hooked on than a team whose owner went out of his way to stay and assure that they stay in the city despite offers to move to a much more profitable city? Also, we party as hard, if not harder, than most colleges.
  20. May have found the red flag. We hung out tonight. I casually mentioned the Bills 8:30 AM (Central Time Zone) game against Jacksonville. Her reply "Too bad you'll miss it because of church." I chuckled assuming that she was playing. Nope.
  21. They dance. She even drinks. She's pretty, normal, smart and fun. Only thing I don't get is why she likes me. Her friends though, by her own admission, are psycho.
  22. They're baptist. They use grape juice for wine. She knows how much I drink (about a beer or two a day) She doesn't think I have a problem, but thinks I should cut back because it's not good for my gout/diabetes.
  23. Still dating. Nothing official yet. But her friends don't like me. They think my 2-3 beers a week, (total lowball by the way) is too much. I'm from South Buffalo. Two beers is breakfast. Also, They're not very bright. They decided to run a background check and think I'm lying about who I am because they can't find anybody with my last name with the first name "Buffalo Joe." But she likes me, which is weird. But all in all, life is good.
  24. I've been here on Monday's after a win and there's still people bitching. I can't imagine the day of the Oakland game. Especially since people had three more hours to drink, we loss to the worst team on our schedule, which sealed our 15th straight playoff loss.
  25. I've actually never been here during/after a game.
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