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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Also, to add to my list of least favourite canucks, Larry Tannenbaum Ted Rodgers
  2. To make sure I understand your logic, without him, the Sabres would have sucked, city would have lost interest in the begining years, and moved a long timg ago, therefore, Pegula would have never had any claim in Buffalo, therefore would not have bought the Bills?
  3. She's not even Canadian. You're derailing the thread.
  4. Yes. But the human body that he's taken over has Canadian citizenship. Fixed
  5. Followed by Anne Murray. Rick Jeanerette Gilbert Perrault Rene Robert Leslie Nielson CBF Lindy Ruff Former Buffalo Bison Fergy Jenkins Neil Young Geddy Lee Alex Lifeson Neil Peart Neil Young Alex Trebeck John Candy Least Favourite Celine Dion The old guy at Crystal Beach who wears a thong Brett Hull
  6. So other than a 1 dollar price difference (which like I said before, it's worth an extra 12 bucks a year not to have to re-build all my playlists) does anybody know any differences between Rhapsody and Spotify? It seems they get their music at the same time. Led Zeppelin and ACDC were both notorious holdouts on the whole music streaming idea, and both apps got the artists on the same day.
  7. Followed by Anne Murray. Leslie Nielson CBF Lindy Ruff Former Buffalo Bison Fergy Jenkins Neil Young Geddy Lee Alex Lifeson Neil Peart Neil Young Alex Trebeck John Candy
  8. I can proudly say I've never seen the Notebook. However, now that I have a girlfriend, not sure how much longer I can hold on to that claim.
  9. I have Rhapsody. Same exact thing. I think it's $10 a month, but it's worth the extra dollar to not have to re-build and re-download all of my playlists.
  10. Aspertame poisoning research is based on lab rats drinking insane amounts. You woud need to drink an average of 12-15 cans of diet pop per day, for about 25 years for your chances of cancer to go up slightly.
  11. Exactly! Neosporan helps heal the wounds on the outside. Alcohol is for the scars on the inside.
  12. Now granted I gave myself diabetes drinking the regular stuff, but the diet stuff isn't as bad for you in moderation as internet memes will have you believe.
  13. What's up with people giving up pop? Is it a general health trend happening right now, or just something that comes with age?
  14. p\ Chef once private messaged me asking for advice on making Kraft Original Mac and Cheese. I told him it didn't really matter if he had the exact six cups of water, because it all gets drained anyway. He was so thankful, he sent me a bottle of wine that was meant for mead. //end.
  15. Where do you download your music? Do you still use Limewire/Kazaa/or basically any other illegal site? Do you pay for iTunes? I personally use Rhapsody. My only complaints were the big name artists who they didn't have the rights to. However two of my biggest ones were Zeppelin, who they just got back in May, and AC/DC who they just got today. Only big ones their missing, from me atleast are Seger, Metallica and the Beatles. However, they have Paul's solo stuff, which has a lot of Beatles on the live albums.
  16. Banish is the most overrated batsman in the history of the game. It's all because he plays in that big market. If he played for the Irish, you wouldn't hear a thing about his measly 72 in pokes, and 45 outpokes a season. Slightly above average at best. The Admirial my ass.
  17. You call yourself Beerball offline? Weird. I call myself Jauronimo.
  18. Hopefully they carry that in Pakistan, because that's as close as their gonna get. They barely even made it into the quarter-finals. What with having three bowls dug in one match against Jauronimo's Brits. Maybe if you had a decent batsman or two, then we'll talk, till then you're stuck with Yavishma Gilhamad in the fencehole! Ha! What a joke that Pakistani team is. I'll leave you with this: Olly Olly Olly, New Zealand's coming 'round. Molly, Molly Molly, we're gonna ruin your town. Olly Olly Olly, New Zealand will revamp, Molly Molly Molly, We're gonna be the champs. Olly vay! Olly vay! OY OY OY!!
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