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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Don't feel too bad. He probably got away with something that you didn't punish him for.
  2. Don't drink the Koolaid. The link is an hour long interview Rex Ryan had with Buffalo sports talk icons Mike Schopp and The Bulldog. Five minutes talking about football, fifteen about Wimbledon, then fourty minutes of amusing banter between the three about how they like the toilet paper roll hanging compared to their wives' preferences.
  3. That's awesome. I got the sense of down to earth, level headed kids from both McDavid and Eichel. The biggest fear was him drinking a beer once while he was in college. Shocker I know.
  4. You believe this rubbish Fergy? Now you know I your Paki's, bunch of overrated manuses. But I respect the hell out of them, because they play the game proper. But now this Irish bloke comes in, talking **** like he accomplished something? C'mon now. They better have the luck of the Irish on their side against Nambita, they're gonna need it!
  5. Weird, I heard Rex talk about moving Hogan to defense during camp to see what he could to. Not sure how serious he was though. WGR 550: Rex Ryan Interview
  6. Alex atleast has to pretend like he knows all of the answers, act like he finds the anecdotes after the first commercial amusing and/or interesting. Vanna doesn't even have to turn letters anymore. Just a touch screen.
  7. How did we compare around the league before the recent renovations? From what I understand we were towards the bottom, right?
  8. Must've cost a pretty penny. Worth it though. I can't see anybody other than the great Derek St. Hubbins doing those voices.
  9. Gotta add him to my list. Norm is great. His roast of Bob Saget was classic.
  10. You Pakistani's and your double entendre's. Sorry if we have more class and still consider it a gentelman's game. Need I bring up the Pakistani Knickerbacker scandal of '92? And we won the triple-single-seven title just last year. Just because the Paki team didn't qualify due to a certain Aliva Germabahd and his mysterious 4th jucker in the 5th wick. #Cheats
  11. Light My Fire I'm Burnin' For You Hunk A Burnin' Love TNT
  12. He needs a minimum, six game suspension for this. What kind of message is he sending to the fans? Playing with fireworks drunk in a state where it's illegal?!? Ridiculous.
  13. Jordan Palmer Trent Edwards JP Lossman Torrell Troup Erik Flowers Leif Larson TJ Grahm Terell Owens Jeff Tuel Dean Cain
  14. No response I see. Cottaging? Or you just know Banish is overrated crap compared to Jim "Nicky" Nickerson from my own New Zealand. Although slightly less inpokes (65) he had an outstanding 54 outpokes. That's crazy even by today's standards, what's with the 7 outpokes per wick rule.
  15. He's been crazy for a while. He's been anti-gun, but like extreme left anti gun. Like counteracting Ted Nugent anti-gun. He also hasn't made a good movie in like 10-15 years.
  16. I actually collect vinyl. Unfortunatly, can't bring my record player in my car or to the gym with me.
  17. Optimistic enough to think her Rangers can actually win the division because of a lucky month they had.
  18. Update. In case anybody cares. Been a bit over a month now. Things are going great. Only problem is the old psycho co-worker, and this one's names are literally one letter off from one another, so awkward mix ups happen. But she only gets mad when I get too guilty about it. We talked about my love of sports. She understands that once a week, that's my time with the guys to go out, drink beer and get loud. And she's OK with that. The other night I told her I was offered an extra Astros ticket, told her I turned it down to hang out with her. She appriciated it, but told me to just go to the game and have fun, and we hung out that night. So she's pretty awesome. She's even willing to learn hockey. It's the south, so she found the fact that I loved hockey weird at first. And no, she's not the reason I haven't been posting. I also got a new job the week after we started, so I've been in training. F'real.
  19. You're not even a good troll. Go back in the archives, look at user "ieatcrayonz" and take notes.
  20. That face says "Can we stop with the stupid pictures now? I wanna check out this Chippewa Street that I've been told about."
  21. The fruits of his two years of labor are finally harvested.
  22. Pegula couldn't be bothered to fly up from Florida for the occasion? #TerryIsCheap
  23. Dude. I know you're a troll and all, and that's cool, but c'mon man. At least try some subtlety for once.
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