I'd like to actually see more CFL games. It seems to be a much slower game with less hard hitting, but can be fun to watch at times. Plus at this point I'll take anything. Except Arena football. There's no defense. It's a game of hot potato, whoever scores last wins.
Last year went by fast because of all the ownership changes going on, it was hard to even concentrate on on-field issues.
I think they cover it because that's what people want to see, not the other way around. Don't get me wrong, I'm a bigger baseball fan (overall sport, Bills are my favorite sports team) than football, but that's what the people want. Plus all four major leauges have their own network now, so it really doesn't matter what ESPN says. Other than Top 10, I don't even watch SportSCenter anymore. I miss the Empire Sports Report though.
It's actually just me and you. This is my real acct, hence The REAL Buffalo Joe. Everybody else, mead, Jauronimo, Beerball, DC Tom, Very Wide Right, all me.
Except for Dog. He was real. Nobody could make that guy up.
That's part of what I hate. He lives off stupid catch phrases. Like Git-R-Done. Or remember Carlos Mencia? He was that Mexian Chapelle knockoff Comedy Central hired when he went nuts, with Dee Dee Dee?
The perenial ****ty teams always have nice stadiums. The Royals (last year and this year excluded) have a beautiful stadium, same as the Pirates. The Cubs are known as possibly the shittiest team of all time, and the most beatiful stadium.
Was gonna post this in the pet peeves thread, but decided it was worthy of it's own thread. Am I the only person who doesn't think this dude is funny? He's so full of himself. He makes his living off loud noises, and stupid faces. He's like this generation's Dane Cook. A cult following of the lowest common denominator.