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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Only a little bit arrogant about his Bills logos.
  2. Fergy has yet to show his smug 15 Bills logos in this thread yet. Thinks his Pakistani Cricket team is SOOO great.
  3. Great at his job as head curator at the Anne Murray museum.
  4. Has a baseball team that got lucky two nights in a row.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut06d4dptWo Find a "Sports movie" that had even less do with sports.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZaqXSzF-ic Best Golf Movie.
  7. You can see the string that wags the tail. https://youtu.be/Ak3J5DayiCk Find a movie with less believable costumes/makeup.
  8. At this point, wouldn't it be easier for people here to talk about the QBs that you wouldn't trade EJ for?
  9. If that punk BringBackFergy has even a shread of dignity, he'll show up right here (or in the other LPW thread) and accept my challenge of a dual.
  10. If that punk BringBackFergy has even a shread of dignity, he'll show up right here (or in the other LPW thread) and accept my challenge of a dual.
  11. Not to mention, when kicker Jesus makes like a 57 yarder, you don't think that's reason to celebrate?
  12. I would donate to such a charitable cause. Maybe flyover Tommy's house.
  13. Every time I've tried watching it, it's been 30 seconds of punching/kicking, then 2:50 of two guys on the ground holding each other. I'm not going the uninformed "It's just gay porn" route. I understand what they're doing and respect them as athletes. But from a spectator's point of view, it's boring as hell to watch.
  14. Being raised a Bills fan in Buffalo, naturally I heard it my whole life. I was born in 90, so it was played a lot when I was really young. Never attended a game in person till I was like 14. It was like my first time hearing it. It just isn't the same.
  15. Global warming my ass. Side note, hate it when people refer to Buffalo as just "New York."
  16. It's like Mary Poppins, except instead of flying away with an umbrella, he gets a misdemeanor assult charge on a minor.
  17. It's hard to win in the NFL.
  18. IDK. The cheesiness is part of the fun of the song. Lol.
  19. I actually considered both of those options, but then just thought I was also getting nit-picky.
  20. Any Sabres fan is excited about what's to come. Sure it sucks that it took this long, and the measures it took, but it all worked out in the end. #LostTheLotto #WonTheJACKpot
  21. Celebrating like a really big dump?
  22. Not gonna lie, if a die hard fan were to die, this would be sweet at a funeral.
  23. Last time we played the Steelers, a bunch of Steelers fans walked into our Backers Bar towards the end of the game. Needless to day, we'd been drinking heavily all game. When we scored that touchdown, we celebrated with the Shout Song like we won the Super Bowl. Not a proud moment, but damn it felt good.
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