Loves himself a six pack of Natty Light. Sometimes when his boss J-Money, or he calls him, Daddy, gives him a bonus, he shells out for something classy, like Keystone.
Dion Jordon
Cameron Wake
Granted my brother is a die hard Dolphins fan. But still, they're a very good team. Position for position, no doubt we're better. But they have a QB. We don't.
Used to work for Dish. It's either a bad HDMI cable, or a bad port on the TV or box. Try unplugging the HDMI, and plugging it into another port. If that doesn't fix it, get a new HDMI. If that doesn't fix it, its a bad box.
Chapter 4 and 5 will come after the first and second game against Miami. Even if Tannehill is somehow out for one of the games. Then we'll have that, along with "EJ/cassel for Moore?"