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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Well if you drive a big truck, we all know what that means. So what does driving a small truck say?
  2. BringBackFergy is a yella-bellied coward.
  3. Not gonna lie, was kind of disapointed this year. The comments made me laugh though. Especially the "Matt Cassel is the best QB we've had since Drew Bledsoe" one.
  4. Can successfully defend that Loverboy was better than Journey.
  5. Any Bob Seger other than Turn the Page, Against the Wind, or Old Time Rock and Roll.
  6. Yes? It seems your post got cut off there. Were you gonna say something?
  7. Nothing about having the right to call everybody an idiot.
  8. Loves squirrel meat and Busch.
  9. Fergie steals posts. That's why he has 15 Buffalos.
  10. Leagally changed his name to Ryan L Billz
  11. Yo Diary, Dougie again. That fat ass Rex Ryan thinks he can whip the Bills into shape. Those morons don't even wear the right socks to practice! Obviously, they're going nowhere. Seems sports writing legend Luke Sims thinks Doug is the real deal. About damn time. He forgot to mention Doug also being assistant head coach, but that's ok. We all know my real passion is the offensive line, that's why I fixed it up in Buffalo, and left. I'm like their Mary Friggin' Poppins. Anyway, diary, gotta go pick up Gus' dry cleaning. Tell Rex good luck beating that Grappalo kid, Obviously I'm the only one that can do it. Also, being the last head coach to beat the Patriots, obviously their cheating didn't affect me Obviously yours, The Good Reverend St. Douglas Charles Marrone PhD.
  12. Poops in the toilet about 87% of the time!
  13. Agreed. Kiss is is known as a gimick band, in part because that's what they became. But the first few albums are some of rocks finest.
  14. All three of his teeth look real nice and pretty-like.
  15. BringBackFergy! Man up Brother. I'm calling you out!!!!!
  16. BringBackFergy! Man up Brother. I'm calling you out!!!!!
  17. So a tiny room, that you stand in, for what, two minutes tops, to avioid having to take the stairs, doesn't smell up to snuff? Yeah, that's first world.
  18. When I read the title, I was coming on here to mention this. The only Aersomith that ever plays is Sweet Emotion, or stuff from after the breakup/reunion. That, and their cover of Come Together.
  19. http://washingtongeneralsfan.blogspot.com/2011/06/washington-generals-infamous-1971-win.html They've won a few times.
  20. Doesn't let his work as a mod on a brony site interfere with his hard work here.
  21. They may have been white at some point.
  22. Cried about the Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash. Last week.
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