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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Coaching skills aside, when's the last time we had a fun, energetic coach? Have we had one since Marv?
  2. Marcell Dareus' future as a Buffalo Bill is as locked up as this thread.
  3. Marcell Dareus' future as a Buffalo Bill is as locked up as this thread.
  4. I haven't watched it yet, got it recorded. Sad to see it's the last season. One of my favorite shows on TV.
  5. Obviously what happened was when they offered him a show, he was just too smart for the fans and would have had to talk down to us to understand his brilliant schemes. #OffensiveLineGuru
  6. Could have been the feelings of half of TBD's population.
  7. This is actually the first QB competition in a while that I didn't have a "favorite." I actually trusted the coaches to make the right decision and I'm trusting in it. Call me a kool-aid drinker if you want.
  8. That's gonna be hard. I don't know how you're gonna get TBD as a whole to give up their unwavering support of EJ Manuel.
  9. I started this poll basically to see if anybody was still bitter over the Jackson thing. I haven't seen anybody come straight out and say that at least.
  10. And why the hell didn't the warm and exciting personalites of Dick Jauron, Chan Gailey and Doug Marrone have a show?
  11. Question. We always see illsustrations of Humpty Dumpty as an egg. But where in the poem does it mention him being an egg?
  12. Want to see how many people's opinion has changed.
  13. http://fantasynews.cbssports.com/fantasyfootball/update/25290680/dolphins-release-qb-josh-freeman What's the worst that could happen?
  14. I dunno. It might be kind of cool to have it all one color scheme. Like the Pirates/Steelers/Penguins or Seahawks/Mariners. Maybe have the Sabres go blue and red though, since the Bills are a bigger national brand and have been around longer. Or maybe have alternate Blue/Red jerseys.
  15. IN! Would love to hear stories from your time in the service.
  16. "In order for Ryan's group to only win a six-pack..." I stopped reading after this stupid term.
  17. It really is amazing to see how much our relationship with the Japanese has changed in a (relativity) short period of time.
  18. You're forgetting to realize that Offensive Line Guru, Saint Douglas Charles Marrone PhD is the opposing Offensive Line Assistant Head Coach. However, I agree, I'll give 8 games of mediocore play before making any rash judgments. If we're atleast 2-2 by then, I'll give him another month.
  19. http://sportsmockery.com/2015/08/patrick-kane-civil-agreement-could-be-coming/
  20. Literally the best announcer in sports history, even over RJ.
  21. BringBackFergy, I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister into this thread and accept my challenge like a man.
  22. BringBackFergy, I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister into this thread and accept my challenge like a man.
  23. Whenever I go to Astros games, I go with someone who has season tickets on the front row of the balcony. The railing is about 4 feet high, so there's no possible way you can fall unless you're being a complete ass. Don't know what Turner Field is like though, but I'm sure there's some sort of regulation. Sad either way.
  24. To be fair, we're all posting in the "Off The Wall" section. Which is the internet forum equivelant to Shopp and the Bulldog's non sports talk. Anybody willing to spend any time on a football board, no matter how assanine their opinion may be, is clearly a die hard, yet we still have an entire section dedicated to non sports topics. Not neccicarily saying I'm a fan, but you can't knock them for talking about things other than sports.
  25. Can we all eat on Howard's veteran discount?
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