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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. What happened to Friday games starting at 7:30/6:30c?
  2. I used to work tech support for Dish Network. I had an old lady tell me she didn't know how to plug in an HDMI cable. It got to the point where I was like, "Do you have a toster? Yes? Ok good. Plug it in just like the toster, into that little spot on the TV that says HDMI."
  3. You don't come here often, do you?
  4. !@#$ you NFL! blzrul doesn't put up with any of your corporate money grabbing bull ****!
  5. So normally, every friday I set my DVR to record the game. What channel is our game on? I can't find it. I thought blackout restrictions didn't apply. Called DirecTV, they couldn't find it either.
  6. I love you. Except for today. Still like you, but my love is being suspended.
  7. The important question here is simple.... Would ya?
  8. VWR predicts the Bills lose. Shocker.
  9. If you're homeless, and not gay, will they turn you down? That seems just as discriminatory as the opposite.
  10. I knew they didn't believe me. I worked for the company, so I knew that, as empty as the threat was, they're required to get me to the higher office, who have bigger fish to fry the Little ol' TRBJ's 150 bucks or whatever it is now.
  11. My predicition, the C-Team online only announcers are gonna think it's hillarious to say things like "Cheerio" and "Old Chap" the whole game.
  12. Ground breaks on multi-million dollar project for homeless LGBT community members Why only gay homeless people? Why not just a shelter to help the homeless, regarless of sexual orientation. Doesn't make sense to me.
  13. My aunt is a manager at the CVS down that way and said he was a regular there. Real low key kind of guy.
  14. I was so pissed last night. I come home yesterday after a long day at work, followed by a potluck at the church. Kept myself cut off from social media, because I couldn't watch the game live. Get home. Let my dog pee. Let myself pee. Open the fridge. Crack a cold beer. Sit on the couch to watch the game. Turn it on, nothing. Dish didn't show the game. I was pissed. I called them up, livid. They said that "the game must be blacked out in the area." Which I told them was BS, because I'm not in Toronto or Buffalo, and I pay extra to get it. They finally admit they were having problems airing the game. I used to be tech support/customer service for the comany, so I know how it works, but I also know how to play the game. I told them that I wanted a refund on my Center Ice. Then they told me that I could still watch the (one hour condensed) replay on NHL Network this afternoon. I told them I don't pay extra for NHL Network, and maybe DirecTV will be able to show me the live game. They transfered me to the "account specialist" AKA cancelation and free s**t department. When I got there, I told them what happened. They offered me 25% off Center Ice, which they told me was "actually a really good deal, because I'm only missing one game." That's when I told them (because I know how the system works) , not to worry about it tonight, and I can have my lawyer handle it in the morning. I knew that when they heard that, they knew they have to transfer to the "Office of the President." Which is really just a higher escalation team, but they changed the department name to make it seem like you're getting someone really important. I gave them the whole spiel about how I'm paying for a service that I'm not being provided, bla bla bla, Even if I did get a discount, how can I be sure that it's not gonna happen the next game. Finally, after 57 minutes, got my Center Ice completely comped for the year. Worth it. Just a tip in case anybody else wants to try it.
  15. They're gonna take a Bills logo from you.
  16. Romeo Crennel Rheingoldstein it is then.
  17. There's a really simple explanation to all of this. Marshawn Lynch was on his way to burn down a puppy orphanage, so Fred Jackson was racing to try to stop him. Simple as that.
  18. I asked my girlfriend if when we get married I could name our kid Rex Ryan. (Ryan being a middle name. (This was before I was told I have to hate him. (She's not pregnant, and doesn't plan to be any time soon, just a hypothetical.))) We comprimised. IF she has our son on Super Bowl Sunday, and IF, because of the birth of my son I miss the Buffalo Bills winning the Super Bowl, then I can name my son after Rex, or whoever the head coach happens to be. So I won that one. Congrats both on the kid, and influencing her to name it after KW.
  19. Successfully helped his client sue a garbage bag company under the argument "My client paid for 8 bags to fill with garbage, not 7 bags for trash, and one full of holes!" Got the client his $1.08 back, and gouged him for $427.28 in legal fees.
  20. Once I ripped off the crust, made pretty good steaks for the reception.
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