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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. After that prank call, things would have been awkward around OBD if he'd have stayed.
  2. ...he said in the Spags thread.
  3. Would you call Mike Tyson a phoney to his face? And Brian Williams isn't a phoney. The proof is in your profile pic. He was on the sidelines that game. He took that picture.
  4. JJ Watt. Just gonna say it. Great football player, but living in Houson, he's everywhere. They always paint this "Humble, every day guy who just comes to do his job, isn't about the fancy life, does it for love of hard work, not money" picture, yet he's on every damn billboard and radio/TV comercial in town. Pretty sure he's not doing it for free.
  5. He's just jealous we took their coach.
  6. Really? Just a hunch, or do you know for a fact?
  7. I always thought that the Charlie Sheen public meltdown was just a giant publicity stunt.
  8. Every year I tell myself I'm not gonna buy into the hype. I'm gonna stand back and observe. Then they do something crazy. Terrell Owens, Mario Williams, LeSean McCoy. Then, like a dog going back to his abuser, because it's the only life he's ever known, here I am, Sunday at noon, glued to the TV thinking it's gonna be different this year, just to have my hopes crushed. I'd like to say I want to give up, but I can't. I've never, not even in a fit of anger after a loss, denounced my fanhood. I know I'll be here next year, win lose or draw, becauase hope springs eternal. It's put a strain on many relationships, romantic, platonic, and professional, because I let the stress get to me. I daydream, and get chills when I think about the day that we finally hoist that Lombardi trophy. Generations of my family have passed on, never seeing that glorious day. I hope my father is still alive, hell, I hope I'm still alive when it happens. Will all of this dedication and loyalty ever pay off? Why do I dedicate my life to a team that's been mediocre at best for most of my life? Am I addicted? What is love? This is what I think about in line, and I came here for an opinon. Fries or onion rings?
  9. I already hated starbucks because of their overpriced coffee, pretentious menu items and sizes, and hipster atmosphere. But now this! "Thou shalt honor thy Lord by putting snowflakes and snowmen on cups for your daily drink. Thus saith The Lord." 1 Therealbuffalojoe 7:12
  10. I've never been able to point out why I felt this way, but Jon Gruden has always seemed like a phony.
  11. Can't blame them. I actually think that's being too generous.
  12. Your funny.
  13. Nope. he's to nice.
  14. I always said for years that I'd love to see the Bills in red alternate, and Sabres in gold alternate, and was disapointed by both.
  15. Where do babies come from?
  16. So I decided be a romantic, and surpised my girlfrend with a candlelit spaghetti dinner. I snagged a jar of my aunts homemade pasta sauce that she makes like twice a year in huge batches, then freezes. Got her favorite wine, and even brownies. Word to the wise, make sure you buy real mozzerella cheese. Dollar Tree "Italian Shreds pasturize processed topping." isn't cheese. And it doesn't melt on the bread. I know how much Chef Jim loves advice from others, and he was too embarrassed to ask in the Ask TRBJ thread, so I thought I'd tell you here.
  17. I got the stuff. I'm heading there now. Tell Rachel I'm coming, and to have "beans on the stove." She'll know what I mean. XOXO, TRBJ Joe, Seems like it's this team's year. It does. If not, then definitely next year. Stay patient, and apologize to your liver. TRBJ KD, I'd suggest trading Trading Matt Harvey and Noah Syndergaard to the Astros for Jed Lowery, Jason Castro, and some sick AA prospects. Thanks, Unbiased in H-Town
  18. I changed the answers to reflect the opinions of the posters.
  19. Pretty cool. Could have been cut in half without the needless commentary.
  20. He's not saying anything is wrong with it, he's saying it's a shame that Forrest Gump won Best Picture over it.
  21. It was implied, but they never called it HIV/AIDS by name. She had "some sort of virus. They don't know exactly what it is yet." With all the whoring, and needle sharing she did, and it being impiled to be taking place sometime in the late 80s, early 90s, it's just assumed.
  22. Nah. Been dating the same girl for 5 months now. If we're just friends, and what we've been doing is just as friends, I'm actually totally cool with it.
  23. In the begining of the movie, yes, I agree. That's why it took so long for her to come around. But she matured, and learned to cope with the abuse she experienced from her childhood, and learned how to love. From Forrest.
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