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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. HAHAHAHA. I just laughed so loud my co-workers stared at me.
  2. Oh, I remember 89, and The fudge Paki's four score wicket without a Rammer! I also recall, in that same runoff, Javigh Shankah's bowl practically rolling across the pitch like some bloody snacher! (Don't even care about my language.) Just be lucky there was no video replay back then, mate.
  3. Lol. How many votes would Brady have if this was a public poll?
  4. Bill O'Brien > Rex Ryan.
  5. Till he gets hurt like he always does. He's the defensive version of Sam Bradford.
  6. Wilfork, not the Wilfork of the past. Clowney, still yet to prove anything n the NFL. And Cushing is made of glass. I'm not talking just this one game, I'm talking who I'd rather go into a season with.
  7. That's what I said you blimey bloody bastard!
  8. The only Texan I would rather have is JJ Watt. But still: Buffalo Bills Defensive Line > Houston Texans Defensive Line.
  9. Almost forgot My Australian Men's Nation Cricket Team. #TaterSmash Isn't that where Buffalo Bills legend Aaron Corp came from?
  10. http://mashable.com/2015/11/26/glitter-armpits/
  11. TerellOwens4Prez2012- Nothing but the latest and greatest and original spin from that guy. NBBUFFCUSESABRESBISONS2004REDSOXBIGTIMENUMBERONEFAN
  12. Favorite pro team (or individual in Golf, Tennis NASCAR, etc.) or college sports teams. 1) Buffalo Bills 2) Buffalo Sabres 3) Houston Cougars Football 4) Houston Cougars Baseball 5) Houston Astros Baseball 6) Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football 7) Houston Cougars Basketball (not really a basketball fan, but I get free tickets a few times a year with free booze, so I go. Usually when there's a Football or Baseball game the same day, and just walk over before/after.)
  13. Nope! They gotta go! Get a new drumline.
  14. Fire everybody!! Pegula, Brandon, Whaley, the analytics guy, The entire roster except Colton Schmidt and Josh Johnson, The team Chaplain, Rex, Roman, Billy the Buffalo, Chris Brown, Erin Kelly, The usher in section 306 who claimed I was too drunk, and the drumline. All of em!!!!1!!
  15. I was about to start three duplicate threads. I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling Canadians and their respect for human decency for those who are incarcerated.
  16. Thank the Good Lord that this monster is off the streets and out of society.
  17. A friend of mine wanted to name his kid Leodis. Forgot to tell his wife about it, and she filled out the birth certificate and it was too late. Guess you could say he dropped the ball on that one.
  18. This explains why we always see Fergy posting about a love of IPAs. #ShotsFired
  19. Would you, if you could? He would have at the very least beat Jacksonville?
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