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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Because nobody can change or mature. Just ask that immature, selfish bastard Jim Kelly.
  2. He has a fridge! Ego-maniac right there!!!
  3. Not to mention nobody calls out Aaron Rodgers for his Title belt move. Hmm? What could be different about them. Both players are quarterbacks, so that can't be it. Both are successful, that can't be it. Wow, I'm really scratching my head trying to figure out why someone would call out Cam but not Aaron?
  4. Nothing started turning around with the Sabres untill Darcy was fired. Stupid move to keep him on that long? Definitely. But if you want to compare the previous 5 years to his first five, we were heading down this path anyway, regarless of ownership.
  5. It's not bragging if you back it up.
  6. I don't think it's necessarily "immature." Although I hate seeing it after anything that's not a touchdown, or a HUGE defensive play. Personally, I just think that's the coolest thing you can do. "Act like you've been there before." As if scoring a touchdown is just something that happens.
  7. He never did the banana stab. But IF he did it, that's how it would have happened.
  8. Although he isn't technically in the NFL anymore, anybody who asks his players to carry him off the field after a win against his former team, has a pretty big ego.
  9. THis is supposed to be huge. They've been working on it for years.
  10. That's what I'm saying, he blew te team up intentionally. That's when he started doing things right. It'll take another year or two before we know, but it already seems like those two purposeful tank years are gonna pay off.
  11. I hope they go over everything. The Heisman, the rushing record, even his acting/broadcasting career.
  12. That's because Jim Schwartz ran Marrone's defense.
  13. If Frank doesn't get it, Jim Schwartz would make a great HC candidate for UM.
  14. That's literally the reason I started the question off with "Aside from not moving the team" because if that's a factor, they'd both be unanimous A's. Keeping Darcy on as long as he did was clearly a mistake, even if only in hindsight. Throwing money at a team doesn't always make them good, especally in a league ruled by salary caps.
  15. He made some huge mistakes when he started, and turned us into a below average team. He spent the last two years blowing the team up, and starting from scratch. Once he started doing that, things started looking up, and the turn around starts this year.
  16. http://jezebel.com/no-one-likes-targets-offensive-ocd-christmas-sweater-1741939852?trending_test_two_a&utm_expid=66866090-68.hhyw_lmCRuCTCg0I2RHHtw.1&utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fjezebel.com%2Fno-one-likes-targets-offensive-ocd-christmas-sweater-1741939852
  17. You do realize Russ Brandon's job, since Pegula was hired, has had 0 effect on the field, right?
  18. I gave him an A for the Bills, but that's because I'm gonna keep the jury out on Rex, who was a Pegula hire, till the end of the season.
  19. I wonder what he was in court for to begin with.
  20. I'd like to see him get a college HC job. That way, there's no conflicting interest.
  21. I made this same poll back in July, wanted to revisit the topic to see how/if opinions have changed now that both seasons are underway. For reference last time: Bills: A: 138 B: 34 C: 3 D: 0 F: 0 Sabres: A: 54 B: 52 C: 24 D: 8 F: 2 Not a Fan: 35
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