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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. ***SPOILER*** Knowing that Rocky is one of the few sports movie franchises where the good guy doesn't always win, I was on the edge of my seat till the end. This is just a wild, out there theory, but I think they're gonna be following the same general plot as the original series. So I think Creed III shows Rocky, who's now in the role of Mickey, dying. I don't know if I can take that.
  2. The girl in the top picture? Yes.
  3. Why the !@#$ did I click the link? That's so depressing.
  4. It's not gambling! You just give them money that they pay you back plus some if you win, while guessing on the outcome of an event he has no direct control over. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
  5. I couldn't care less what Shady says/does off the field, as long as he produces on the field. Plenty of people show up to my office(myself included) who hate their job, but do it well anyway. Not to mention, ya'll know that if Freddie were to come back, kiss the Bills logo, it'd be all about how great Freddie is, and how he's such a class act, blah blah blah. Not that I'd disagree.
  6. Your shtick is getting old bro. Time to change your name and start new.
  7. That doesn't mean that they have no responsibility. It means they delegate the responsibility, and oversee that it gets taken care of.
  8. I just wanted to see if anybody would seriously say 0-4.
  9. Exactly. And I think they wanted to correct that problem, and went to the far opposite end of the specturm, and got the guy who lets everyone do there thing. It shouldn't matter what friggin' socks the guy wears to practice, but there needs to be accountabilty when they !@#$ up on the field during a game.
  10. I see what you'e saying. I always felt Marrone was trying to be a knockoff of Belicheat. Trying to play the hardass, silent type that takes no ****, doesn't fool around, and you can thank him later when the results come, which of course, never really did.
  11. Nope. I have proof. Right here. In my avatar. #Fact
  12. Maybe I'm a bit of a homer here, but I always thought Marv has the perfect personality. He was respected, without fear. Didn't seem like he had to demand respect, it just came natural. The perfect balance of "friend" and "boss."
  13. Head coaching is different from coordinating, that much is obvious. A coordinator just needs to know the X's and O's, which Rex Ryan arguably has down. But we went from Doug Marrone, who seemed to be too much of a hard-ass, to Rex, who seems to be his players buddy, taking the extreme opposite approach. It seems he's liked, but doesn't have any respect. He's like the 25 year old substitute high school teacher that all the kids love because "he's like one of them" yet can't get any of the kids to do their homework. So X's and O's aside, what should we be looking for in a coach, and does Rex have it in him to be that guy?
  14. Me personally? No. Just seeing how negative this board can really get.
  15. Apparently this season is done already.
  16. How many Regular Season wins do the 2016 Buffalo Bills get?
  17. I wonder if he'd be willing to vow not to bet on baseball if reinstated.
  18. She's a pycho b***h because after I planned my first date with the girl who's now my girlfriend, she texted me telling me how she's gonna kill herself, then I didn't hear from her for two days. Then, coincidently an hour after the date, she texts me telling me how much she's in love with me. Then, about a month later, she Facebook messages my girlfriend, and my !@#$ing mother 1,600 miles away , neither of whom she's met, telling them how much I broke her heart. I've had to block like five different numbers of hers, because she calls from a new one like once a month. Funny how all those feelings come out after she loses the complete control she had over me.
  19. You guys do realize I've had a steady girlfriend for six months, changed jobs, and haven't talked to that psycho b***h since, right?
  20. Maybe a Bills logo or two for Fergy, since he seemes to be missing a few.
  21. The HOF, even though it doesn't have an official affiliation with MLB, has always honored their banned players list. Shoeless Joe is a bigger travesty than Rose. But with Rose being alive, could they lift part of the ban. Basically saying he can be inducted, but still can't hold a coaching/front office job for any team? Give their "blessing" so to speak.
  22. UBBullsFan already bought them all.
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