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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Have you ever burnt, or intentionally threw out an otherwise good jersey due to a new dislike of the player? Who and why?
  2. http://www.kens5.com/news/local/citizens-outraged-by-mattress-stores-911-twin-towers-sale-commercial/315549652
  3. Posting "Taxation is Theft" memes on Facebook.
  4. "I beg your pardon." To me it sounds like, "Excuse me sir, but I didn't hear you the first time. I beg of you to pardon my mistake, and hope you find mercy in your heart to repeat yourself so that I may better understand."
  5. Exactly. Attending a party, and partying, in today's American language, are two different things.
  6. Mister Rags is apparently back. And I've been away a lot. That has to cheer you up. I could call up my buddy Howard, who has some mildly offensive ethnic humor.
  7. http://www.buffalobills.com/fans/billsbackers/backer-locator-map.html Yep. Our bar in Houston started out about ten years ago with a guy and his three sons sitting in the back corner watching the game. Now it's about 100-150 strong, depending on how the team is performing. Bills themed mixed drink names. Bills decorations all over. Full audio, including a DJ during commercials, and Shout song. Also, my friend's brother is the president, and only member of the group in his hometown.
  8. Let me preface this by saying, if I'm wrong, and I hope I am, and he truly needs this, I hope he gets all the help he needs. I have too many family members who have gone to rehab multiple times before kicking the habit. That being said, it seems to me like this is just a way to show the league that he's really trying, in hopes of reducing the punishment.
  9. Nah, nothing to worry about. That's just from the camping trip I took a few months ago. Forgot to pick up my condom. Silly me.
  10. My grandfather called Marine Midland/HSBC/FNC "The Aud" till the day he died.
  11. Is this gonna be another "Pilot Field?"
  12. Couldn't even beat out Gugny for the TBD chapter of the Doug Flutie Fan Club.
  13. Still buys Boons Farm with a fake ID to feel cool.
  14. Bobs for apples in the toilet, and likes it.
  15. Despite his failures, tries really hard to outsmart gatorman.
  16. Stays up with the times by changing his name every two years based on whoever happens to be the Bills star du jour.
  17. Got his law degree from that college that has the guy on the street yelling at you for sitting on the couch instead of doing something for your future.
  18. Loyal to a proven below average coach.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYO2oxDv_ZU I just bought this DVD, and if you're into blues, or the Stones (or both like I am), you gotta pick this up. It was a "surpise concert." They claim it wasn't planned, but you can clearly tell it was. But the audience just thought they were paying to see Muddy Waters, and about 20 minutes in, Keith, Mick, Ian, and Ronnie all walk in and sit at a table, then join Muddy on stage. Then about 25 minutes in, Junior Wells and an afroed Buddy Guy join in on the jam session.
  20. And this is how clickbait sites make their money. Honestly, I shut my dish off two weeks ago. Forgot to pay the bill, and didn't even notice it was off because I watch it that infrequently. Leaving it off till hockey season, then gonna start back up with the bare minimum package to get Center Ice.
  21. Goes to the beat of his own drum, and doesn't follow silly thread rules.
  22. Commend his work on the Bills in Toronto series. It's alright buddy, keep trying, maybe they'll bring it back.
  23. So much negativity now a days, what with the election and all. Let's say something nice about each other for a change. Say something to make them feel better and lift up their spirits.
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