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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. To be fair, it works most places. Especially in the South. I live in Texas, and I saw ACDC. When he sang "Went through to Texas, yeah Texas and we had some fun." The place went nuts.
  2. Yes! The best was when Spinal Tap was on The Simpsons. "We were driving down (looks at notes written on hand) I-39 Today." Crowd cheers. "And we were saying to each other, 'Wow, those people in (hand) Shelbyville really knew how to rock!'" Boos. "But we were wrong. You people in (hand) Springfield rock way harder than they do!"
  3. This joke got a mild chuckle the first time I heard it. the 1000th time? Not so much.
  4. Ouch. That's almost as bad as when I saw "Skynyrd" and Johnny VanZant said "Play pretty now for New York."
  5. I saw Buddy Guy at House of Blues Houston. I took the day off from work, and was the very first person there. Got there probably about 4, with the doors at seven. Then I see people forming a second line. "Idiots." I thought. Turns out, if you spent $25 in their gift shop (which by the way, just sold stuff that said House of Blues, nothing for the artist), you get priority access, so I was still like 2nd or third row.
  6. These are all the QBs drafted in 2007. Drew Stanton is the only one left. Former Buffalo Bills in bold. JaMarcus Russell, Oakland (1) Brady Quinn, Cleveland (22) Kevin Kolb, Philadelphia (36) John Beck, Miami (40) Drew Stanton, Detroit (43) Trent Edwards, Buffalo (92) Isaiah Stanback, Dallas (103) Jeff Rowe, Cincinnati (151) Troy Smith, Baltimore (174) Jordan Palmer, Washington (205) Tyler Thigpen, Minnesota (217)
  7. Literally my favorite meme of all time.
  8. That movie was incredible. My girlfriend was a music major so she loved how detailed they went into the composition and orchestration of the songs. It wasn't actually a Chuck Berry song. But when Chuck heard it, he realized it had the same tune as Sweet Little Sixteen. He sued them, and they basically settled on him getting a writing credit for the song.
  9. What's with all the Beach Boys hate? They're early stuff is pure rock and roll in the likes of Chuck Berry, Little Richard etc. Great harmonies, and Brian Wilson is musical genius.
  10. They're no Beatles when it comes to songwriting, or Led Zeppelin when it comes to musical talent, but KISS is very good at what they do.
  11. "Is that all you can do, Buffalo?" "Last time we were in Buffalo, y'all were a lot louder than this!" Didn't see the show, but I can totally hear him saying that. They probably also sang one line of "Gotta lose your mind in Buffalo, Rock City!"
  12. Just a thread to post random memes.
  13. The travesty led by Johnny Van Zant that refers to themselves as "Lynyrd Skynyrd." It's a shame enough that they're still allowed to use that name, but you can clearly tell that they're there for the paycheck. I wouldn't classify it as the worst concert I've ever seen, but definitely a letdown considering what Lynyrd Skynyrd means to me.
  14. Damn Allergies.
  15. Love me some Kolaches. They have sausage filled ones here in Texas. They're delicious.
  16. Everything I've heard about Dylan's sets in the past 15-20 years (possibly longer) is that he plays a set full of new stuff, and stuff that only die hard Dylan fans would know, no Blowing in the Wind, Positively 4th Street, Knockin' on Heaven's Door, etc., other than ending with Like a Rolling Stone. I had a chance to see Ray and Robby a few years ago with a female singer, and didn't go. I was sad after Ray died that it was my last chance, but now I'm almost glad I didn't pay $75 for it.
  17. Saw Willie a few years back. Great show, especially for his age. His son was the opening act, and he was amazing. Voice sounds exactly like his dad.
  18. I almost forgot Panic! At the Disco. Free tickets, and they opened for Weezer. But Panic, granted isn't my cup of tea, was terrible. I couldn't hear the band over all the screaming teenage girls. And all the weirdo, wrist cutting whatever the modern day version of emo is called. Then the lead singer dropped F bombs in between songs. That doesn't offend me or anything, but you could tell it was forced to show "Hey kids. Look how f***in' edgy I can be." Then like a bunch of rants about how great gay, lesbian, and like five other genders are, which again, was just to pander to the audience. The one lone highlight was a Bohemian Rhapsody cover that was good. Thankfully, all teenage girls left, and Weezer put on a hell of a show.
  19. What are the best and worst concerts you've ever seen? Best: Weird Al Yankovic. Odd choice, I know. But the dude puts on one hell of a show. Plays for two hours. Costume changes. Crowd interaction. Great backing band. Different videos he shows while changing, so it's never a dull moment. If he doesn't count, AC/DC on the Black Ice tour. Worst: Charlie Daniels Band. Played for maybe an hour. Played two gospel songs. A drum solo. And like three songs where he left the stage for songs written/sang by other members of the band. Didn't play Uneasy Rider. Chuck Berry comes a close second. He played for 50 minutes, and didn't play School Days or No Particular Place To Go. The dude was 83 years old though. I'll be happy if I can hold a guitar let alone play it at that age.
  20. I ordered the ring yesterday.
  21. Great Leader Kim Jong Un already filter out so we don't waste time looking at imperialist pig propaganda and get to only see glory of True Korea. Thank.
  22. Johnny Cash and June Carter "It Ain't Me Babe." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBHXUOogpOg
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzmggUAqePY
  24. According to Wikipedia Shout is no longer the "official" Team song. I've never heard "The Power of the Bills" to my knowledge, and can't find it anywhere. Any leads to where I can hear it? It seems like it's terribly cheesy just by the title.
  25. You could have changed the name plate and made it a JP Losman jersey.
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