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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Yeah. Considering she knew it was coming, and it was essentially a formality, I had to come up with a way to truly surprise and wow her.
  2. We went to a friends house for a movie night, since that was my first date with her. I dressed terrible. And old Bills t shirt with holes in it, dirty shorts. She was suspicious, so I did that to throw her off. Also had my boss tell her that I had New Years Eve off, even though I didn't, to throw her off my trail. Then about 20 minutes into the Home Alone 2, I got up to go to the bathroom. About ten minutes later, the movie flickered out, and changed to a slideshow I wrote, with my friend helping out with the technical aspects of it, with "Wouldn't It Be Nice" from the Beach Boys playing. It had pictures from throughout our relationship, and a few paragraphs that I'd written about what she means to me. When it was over, I came out in my full suit. I made what seemed to be the slowest ten foot walk of my life, Got on my knee, composed myself (My allergies were acting up, totally wasn't crying. I'm a man after all), and asked her to marry me.
  3. Thoughts? http://indianexpress.com/article/sports/cricket/australia-vs-pakistan-2nd-test-momentum-with-pakistan-against-weary-aussie-bowlers-4444144/ Not sure if Mitchell Starc and Josh Hazlewood will back up to bowl at the showpiece event. I know they each sent down 56 overs in the Brisbane heat with just a week’s recuperation, but still, I'm not sure bowlers like that have enough in them. I'm sure Fergy is cocky enough to think they could have damn near 60 overs AGAIN! Think again Fergie, you Aussie Bug!
  4. THese were my thoughts an hour after seeing the movie. First off, did they just introduce us to a whole new set of characters just to kill them all in the end? Second, I love the fact that good vs evil isn't so clear cut. Like Forrest Whitikers character. Kind of a bad man, but working for the good side. The wookie that spent a whopping two seconds on screen shooting out of what was essentially a helicopter. Darth Vader, although he was only on screen for about five minutes altogether, cemented his place as the most cold hearted villain in cinematic history. When all the X Wing fighters were taking roll call and you had déjà vu to the first one. Finally the question I've been wondering since I saw the first one about why it was so easy to destroy the Death Star. They basically built a whole movie off of an almost forgot about line from the first one. K 2SO is actually funny. I already like him better than C3PO.
  5. A black gay coworker of mine once told me after all that came out "Chic Fil A can burn a cross on my lawn Tuesday Night. Wednesday morning I'll still be in line to get their chicken biscuit breakfast sandwich. "
  6. Happy Festivus everyone! I got a lot of problems with you people! It's time for the annual 2016 TBD airing of grievences!
  7. If Trump had won his bid to buy the team, what would it look like. "We're gonna build a new Stadium downtown. A great stadium. A yuge stadium, you're gonna love it, I swear. And Robert Kraft, good friend of mine, Robert, but he's a loser, he's gonna pay for it!"
  8. No. That's why I had a four year old gift card in my wallet.
  9. I got a Facebook message from mark zuckerberg (yes, it was spelled exactly like that, with no caps) telling me that I won grant money from Facebook. I won $500,000. I just had to send him the $300 shipping fee if I wanted it within the next week, or $1,000 if I wanted it within 24 hours. I went round and round with them. First I told him just to take the money out of my winnings. H couldn't do that. He asked if I had a credit card. I told him yes. He asked me to send a picture of it. I sent him a picture of an expired Buffalo Wild Wings gift card I got four years ago. A few hours later he said he realized it was a scam, and he was contacting the FBI. I asked if there was anything at all I could do to avoid jail. They said I could send the shipping fee by wire to his associate in Deerborn, MI. I just kept telling him I sent the money, has he seen it yet. We went on and on for days until he finally blocked me.
  10. So from what I understand, in the first movie when they're going over how to blow up the Death Star, when they say "many people lost their lives to secure these plans," this is basically that story.
  11. Ha! My cousins went to this high school. I used to live like five minutes away from it one town over.
  12. Is this the Cleveland Browns overall, or just the current franchise?
  13. I was a Rand Paul guy. When he dropped out, I moved over to following the Libertarian Party primary race. Became a huge Austin Petersen fan. When Gary "Bake the Damn Cake" JOhnson was selected, I started looking for write in candidates. The only reason I might still vote Gary Johnson, would be to increase the visability of the Libertarian Party, and hope that a true libertarian like Austin Petersen is selected in 2020.
  14. Spygate was Belicheat/coaching staff. Although I'm sure Brady was "Generally aware" of what was going on.
  15. I agree with both of you. But do the voters snub him and do the same thing they did in baseball a few years ago and refuse him the honor of first ballot, which is an extra special honor itself.
  16. As much as we hate him, Brady is a shoo-in for the hall of fame. Cheating or not, him and Peyton are the best QBs of the past 20 years. Do you think his cheating, and attitude about getting caught, prevent him from getting the votes to be inducted his first year of eligibility?
  17. Yeah, definitely. Gregg is/was the core of the band besides Dickie, and obviously Duane. But I was speaking typically that's how classic rock bands are. Look at Journey, they're mostly original. And still sound like journey. But it's not Steve Perry, the most recognizable part of the band. But a perfect example is GNR. Axl has been touring with a band he called GNR for years. Playing small venues, and cheap tickets. All of a sudden he gets Slash and the gang back together, and they're selling out arenas and stadiums nationwide for hundreds a ticket. How good either incarnation was, i don't know personally, but read mixed reviews.
  18. http://www.milb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20161017&content_id=206363284&fext=.jsp&vkey=news_t422 This news makes me really sad. Larry was a staple at Bisons games, as well as Sabres, Bandits, and any other event at the Aud/Arena. He always had a smile on his face. And when I worked for the Bisons,and after, he always gave me free peanuts, whenever I saw him at either venue. Funny thing is, I don't really like peanuts. But he was so happy to give them to me, I took them and ate them anyway.
  19. When going to see older, classic bands. They either: A: Sound terrible. Can't play like they could, and certainly don't have their singing voice they used to have. B: Sound okay, but that's because most of the original lineup is out of the band, and is basically one or two original members touring with a whole new band. Foreigner is a good example. They sound just like they did back in the day. But Mick Jones is the only original member. The new singer is about 10 years younger than Lou Graham. So it's essentially a tribute band. C: Ridiculously expensive. Like the Rolling Stones, U2, etc.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/embed/U7fjDS0jKiE
  21. Affordable ticket, mostly original/prime era lineup, still sound good. Pick one, maybe two.
  22. I've made it by lightly spraying the top with some sort of cooking spray and dipping it in the salt and seeds.
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