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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. I swear. I can stop watching the Bills whenever I want to.
  2. I just saw Fred leave Tempo in a Ford Taurus.
  3. Do you have any reliable source for this?
  4. To celebrate his new found freedom, we should have the greatest RB in team history to lead the charge at the October 29th game against the Oakland Raiders? The man has done his time, and was never actually found guilty of anything too heinous. There are still fans here that love the guy, and to see him run down the tunnel for the first time in over 35 years, will send shivers down their fines.
  5. This isn't a sarcastic, pessimistic question. Unless they pull a miracle this year, this team isn't gonna be good. Don't get me wrong, I would be happiest person on this board if I'm wrong, and I hope I am. But logically speaking, this isn't projected to be "Our year." That being said, why are you still watching the games? For me, it's a few things. First, when we finally turn that corner, be it this year, next year, or 17 more years, I don't want to be called a bandwagon, fair weather fan. I want to say that I saw the transition, and watched them crawl up the ladder to finally hoist that Lombardi Trophy. This, along with it being more than just tradition. I know this is cliche here, but The Buffalo Bills are more than just 53 guys on a field. It's the experience I have with my dad. Had with my grandpa, and uncles, who passed on. My great grandfather was a season ticket holder from day one, until the day he died. Not to mention newer friends I've made, both in real life, and on this board. Other than the 2nd half of last season where my work schedule conflicted with The Bills, I've watched games at the same bar, with the same group of Bills fans, every week. Made some awesome friends there, that I'd never know if not for the Bills. I look forward to having beers with them, and celebrating garbage time touchdowns like we just won the super bowl just because it irks the Texans and Cowboys fans on the other side of the bar. I'm excited for this season, and every season, no matter what. Just interested in hearing your reasons for sticking with this team are.
  6. "We may be 4-8 right now, but if not for a few bad bounces, we'd easily be 8-4."
  7. I'm sure it's been brought up, but I haven't scrolled through all the pages. Go back to how it was where players weren't brought onto the field until after the National Anthem. Problem solved.
  8. It was a doubleheader. I got free tickets for the second game, but didn't even watch the first game because I had some stuff to do. Had no idea who was pitching, or how bad it was going. My brother is a Mets fan, so I texted him to tell him I was going to the game. Went something like this. "Hey, you're still a Mets fan, right?" "I don't want to talk about Harvey." "Try living in Houston. Every time I turn on the TV, or radio, or login to the internet. All anybody here talks about is the hurricane." "Um, not talking about the hurricane."
  9. Nobody has mentioned Dragnet yet?
  10. I lost one of my two cars that I was planning on selling for like $500. Missed about a week and a half of work. But my company is giving us all a weeks pay anyway, so I shouldn't be out of too much money. Other than that, stayed safe and dry.
  11. Sent them out. Figured you didn't want to come down to Houston.
  12. I was about to call you out on those ones. Saw Willie a few years ago. Puts on a great show. His son is usually his opening act who's also quite good. Saw Felder two years ago when he opened for the Doobie Brothers. Seen REO three times, and got their autograph once. They almost hit me with their bus.
  13. Pegula gives Goodell 50% off any appetizer (with the purchase of two beverages) at the 716, so he turns a blind eye to it.
  14. I just got laid off, and started a new job with a fraction of the pay, so I can't afford concerts this year. Gotta live vicariously through you guys. However, I did see an awesome free concert last week. A Beatles tribute band playing the entire Sgt. Pepper album, with a full orchestra behind them.
  15. Getting married November 2018. I think this one might actually like me more than a friend.
  16. Sorry, I was in the bathroom. What'd I miss?
  17. I've had that. I had a team of about 20 people, one of them was a football fan. Everybody else thought I was the weird one for not being into anime. The other guy was into both, so they were fine with him. What was worse is they tried to talk **** about the Bills to get on my nerves. I don't mind getting teased for being a Bills fan, it comes with the territory, and is part of what makes it fun. But they didn't know anything about the team/sport so it only annoyed me because of how lame and generic their insults were.
  18. I used to work in a call center for a major TV provider so I talk to people from all over the country. I talked to a guy that said he was the team chaplain for the Cowboys in the Staubach era. I asked him what's changed between now and then. He basically said the same thing. They were just as bad, but the teams would deal with it and nip it in the bud before the national media got a hold of it.
  19. I don't even have words to say. I can't say I've lost a loved one to addiction, but I've come pretty close plenty of times. I know the struggle of loving someone who struggles with it, and the feeling of total helplessness as you watch them spin out of control, clean up, and do it over again. I can only speak for myself, but it took me years to stop feeling guilt for something I didn't do. Prayers for you and your family.
  20. You ever deal with these insufferable bastards? I'm not talking about guys that aren't really into sports. That's okay. Everybody has different hobbies. Different interests. That's not who I'm talking about. The guys I'm talking about are the ones who feel they're morally/intellectually superior due to their lack of knowledge in sports. They love to interrupt other peoples' conversations about sports to let us know that they do better things with their time than to "watch a bunch of millionaire, overpaid crybabies play a child's game." When the Super Bowl, or some other major sporting event is brought up, they make sure to let everybody know they "had no idea there a sportsball game today." Or "I was too busy [reading/spending time with my family/some other activity they find morally superior] to pay attention." Sorry for the rant, but I've been dealing with these people all week, and needed to vent somewhere.
  21. By local, do you mean where I live currently, or in Buffalo? Currently (Houston, TX): Joe's BBQ. Kelley's. Basically any hole in the wall Tex-Mex place. Whataburger (chain, but just a regional chain.) Buffalo- I like Steve's Pig and Ox Roast in Lackawanna. Nine-Eleven (name is coincidental) in South Buffalo for wings. A little hole in the wall place called Texas Red Hots on Abbott Road near the Lackawanna/Buffalo border. Hot dogs are good, but the Texas sauce is the best I've ever had.
  22. I'd say it's the same as the regular media sensationalizing other stories. With a 24 hour news cycle, you gotta do something to fill the time on 4 ESPN's, and other competing networks. Plus each of the four major sports leagues have their own channel. All that before we even begin a conversation about online media. I remember a radio interview from when I was young. "The Coach" was interviewing an old sports reporter from back in the day. They asked him why we always hear about players doing drugs, DWI's, hitting their wives, etc. Why do the players now have so many issues, when the players back in the day had so much class? His answer was that they're not any better or worse. But the reporters only reported on the field stuff, so the "drama" was always happening, just not being reported on. They also didn't need to when the only sports news was what we read in the daily newspaper, and the 5-10 minutes sports segment on the local news.
  23. We were basically told "Build it, and they will come." We built Pilot Field (now Coca-Cola Field), which at the time seated 20,000. It was built to have the roof torn off, and expanded to 40-45,000 when/if we got our team. We had huge crowds the first couple years, outdrawing even the White Sox and Braves (who granted both sucked at the time.) However, from what I understand, someone can correct me if I'm wrong, we lost it because of Toronto, Pittsburgh, and the two NYC teams, mostly the Yankees, our TV market would have been very small. On top of the fact that we'd be coming in the middle of an contract between MLB and TV stations, so we wouldn't have gotten any money until the new contract started. Not that ESPN/30 for 30 would do it, but Buffalo has a lot of baseball history that people don't know about. The team that's now the Boston Red Sox used to be called the Buffalo Bisons. There was a league called the Federal League that was supposed to be a 3rd Major League back in the 1960s. The league only existed on paper though and never followed through. However every city in the league (except, guess who), ended up getting a team. We also had the first minority manager in professional baseball back in the 60s. Lost the team in the 70s, got a AA team in the 80s. Got promoted to AAA. The whole fiasco of not getting a MLB team in the late 80s/early 90s happened. We won the American Association championship in 1997. That league disbanded right after and the teams were absorbed into the International League and Pacific Coast League. So as a result, to this day we still have that trophy.
  24. which group deserves the biggest amount of blame?
  25. We have movie nights with these friends semi regularly anyway, so we picked something the kids could watch. This happened on the 30th. So after my boss, who she happens to be friends with, told her I had New Years Eve off, I purposely got real defensive like I didn't know what she was talking about. I said it, just not very loud due to all the cryi... Allergies acting up. They were white socks. Actually didn't notice till now that I was so nervous that I forgot to put on the dress socks I had with me.
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