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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. The whole board should just pool our money to help him out.
  2. Don't they all leave by the 7th inning regardless of the score, to beat traffic?
  3. Could the Chargers have been more successful by staying in SD with an LA game similar to our Toronto series?
  4. Yeah. But Pegula's ownership status is in jeopardy considering that he also owns the Sabres. Can't own two teams.
  5. Please tell me that is included in the $1500.
  6. The problem is, that Pegula already owns the Sabres. He can't own both teams per NFL by-laws.
  7. A friend and I were talking the other day about what we would have done if Pegula hadn't bought and saved the Bills. Hypothetically, if The Bills would have left town, and changed their identity completely, (name, logo, colors, jersey, etc), would you have rooted for a CFL expansion version of the Buffalo Bills, same logo, name, same or slightly modified jerseys/colors, would you still consider yourself a Bills fan? Root hard? Season tickets? EDIT: What if the ownership group was led by some combination of Kelly/Bruce/Andre/Thurman?
  8. People give me flack when I say this, but Rex Ryan is football genius. But it takes a skillset that you're either broen with or you're not to be a HC. He'll be in the league again, maybe even successfully, but not as a HC.
  9. Been long enough that you could wear them ironically now. Like my Sabreslug t shirt my aunt bought me last year for Christmas. She apologized because she didn't realize it at the time. But i loved it. Man, I'd wear a pink polka dot jersey and tutu if we could get the talent we had in the slug years.
  10. Well, the 12 disc seminar series, and accompanying 17 DVD set are optional. You could try running your own business without it. But this training kit, led by our CEO, and sales guru Dr. Mead, will tell you everything you need to know about how to become a Director's Choice Triple Falcon Club Member. They're only $1,299.99. You'll make it back in no time.
  11. I know someone who got a Red and Black alternate jersey, with the black circle and crossing swords. She put Sabretooth's name on the back because he'll never leave the team. Went back to Blue/Gold the next year.
  12. $80 single ticket from a scalper to a non playoff implication game that wasn't sold out. But that was my cousin's fault. She did the negotiating from the front seat of the two door car.
  13. A "Get Out of Jail Free" Card for $1,000 Monopoly money. Tickets to a concert that were $50 each, just to find out that the row directly behind me was GA and free.
  14. This is what started huge problems at my church. Granted the whole church is about 150 adults. One guy got in, recruited a few people from church. Then a bunch of fighting about who got to recruit who else in the church. Sad. Most of them claim to be Christian organizations to get gullible evangelicals. But it's just Joel Osteen, TV Preacher "God wants you to be rich" bull ****. Man, I would. But I'm already $10,000 deep with a great protien shake company called Ferg-talibism.
  15. Social Security. It's like Amway but mandatory.
  16. I know there were technically periods, but this was basically just one giant run on sentence.
  17. Lol. I didn't even mean PPP. I meant Pet Peave
  18. Clean hit too. Damn allergies were acting up when he walked on the field with the gut who hit him.
  19. I mentioned this in the PPP thread, but wanted everyone's opinion. How do you feel about Multi Level Marketing? I've always been strongly against them. First off, if you have a rehearsed speech for how you're totally not a pyramid scam, I have news for you, it's a pyramid scam. You're not gonna be retired by the age of 35 or whatever the person who recruited you told you. This miracle snake oil, is just overpriced protein shakes that you're convinced to buy in bulk that you'll never sell. They brag all the time. "I'm leading the successful life! Not only do I own my own buisness, I just got promoted to Double Secret Bronze Eagle." How tf you get promoted at a company you claim to own? But my biggest complaint is the cult like mindset people have. The lectures, and magazines they read and listen to, all by the founder of the company, who the literally worship. And anybody who tries warning them they're wasting their money is looked at as a negative influence in their life. They become brainwashed over this this and turn into zombies for their company. Sad really. Lost many a friend to these companies. One who was a successful geologist in the oil industry. Lost his job, and bought it hook, line and sinker. He was living off his life savings. Finally asked him, out of concern for him, his wife, and two kids, what his plan is if he doesn't make it. "I just need the will and determination. Things aren't going well now, but people saying no is a good thing because it makes the product more exclusive. I'm gonna be a millionaire soon, too bad you don't want in." This was six months in, and he'd made $50 so far, which is a drop in the bucket of his $2,000+ initial investment, Told me he had six months of savings to live off of, but was never gonna work in the corporate world again.
  20. I'd like to point out that the fact that we have three pages of people talking about how much they hate Jerry Sullivan, means he's doing his job.
  21. This is why I'm glad I have the Gold TBD Membership. Only $20 a year for 100 posts, then only 10¢ a post after that. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me.
  22. I'd have to check. I don't believe it was that long ago, but it wasn't for very long. Lol.
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