That's why I used the qualifier " Aside from saving the team." I thonk we'd all rather an 0-16 team in Buffalo, than a 16-0 team in Toronto. So the poll is more about how they have been running the operations.
Show your work.
I didn't cry hen he was diagnosed. But when he was declared cancer free, my allergies started going crazy. Someone bought me a Kelly Tough shirt and that made me cry. But that's because my grandma and cousin both died of cancer within two years of each other, both of their last names were Kelly.
I asked Jeeves. He told me that the league allowed MLB, NBA, ICC Cricket, and Arena Football. NHL, and NLL owners were explicitly banned. As outlined in the 2009 NFL By-Laws.
It isn't a well known by-law. Think about when Pegula took over. AP was going on, deflategate. It wouldn't surprise me if he just let it slide. But Roger probably keeps that card in his back pocket, so hopefully Pegs stays on his good side.
Exactly. High brow comedy. Like The Big Bang Theory. You gotta be smart to get it.
Spoke to a customer a few years ago. Her and her husband were 49ers season ticket holder from day one at Candlestick. Team still wanted a $50,000 PSL, on top of the Season Ticket prices.