For you personally, what are your best and worst experiences with rooting for your team as the visitor? As a fan of the Bills, or others?
For me, I've been to two Texans home games to root for the Bills. Other than one guy trying instigate a fight by flicking the brim of my hat (which I ignored), mostly neutral reactions. Went to New Orleans to see the Bills play the Saints. One guy was an obnoxious jerk the whole game. The rest of the fans were surprisingly pleasant. Those who saw the guy I complained about, came up and apologized on his behalf to let him know that's not a depiction of the whole fan base. Others would randomly come up to me and suggest restaurants, sites to see, etc.
When Houston had an AHL team, I went to root for the Americans, because they were the Sabres farm team. I'd actually never been to an Americks game in my life, so I only own Sabres. Most of the crowd weren't really hockey fans, so they thought I was just being that one jerk that thinks it's funny to root for the other team. Cool thing was though that I sat in front of the parents of the guy that scored the game winning goal in a shootout.