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Everything posted by snafu

  1. C.H.U.D. Cannabilistic Underground Humanoid Dweller ? Oops: Cannabilistic Humanoid Underground Dweller
  2. I want the Jets over the Browns. Would be good to see the Browns start out 0-2. And the Jets will do enough losing to not have to worry about them.
  3. I wouldn’t have gone with Detroit in the survivor pool, but they didn’t actually lose. Sucks that a tie bounces someone out.
  4. Giants have ZERO pass rush. Their offense is okay at best.
  5. First impressions from the stands: Stole that game! Thank God there’s no style points. Singletary looks like the real deal. Our line needs at least 4 games to gel. The defense was good. Darnold didn’t throw more than 10 yards downfield. ON TO NEW JERSEY!!!!!
  6. Heading out to the game in about ten minutes (going with a Jet fan buddy of mine). I swear all these Jets fans I talk to are just as excited as we are. There’s going to be a lot of disappointed people in that stadium today. Gonna be great to watch.
  7. No TV, no Bills game. You can porobably get most of it done during halftime if necessary.
  8. Step 1, coffee. Step 2, get the eggs. Step 3, a good greasy breakfast to cure the hangover. Skip the yard work until the TV is set up.
  9. Thanks. He’s got a week to freak out in Boston and screw it up.
  10. Wow, can ce play tomorrow night vs the Steelers? That would be interesting.
  11. Time will tell about Eichel/Risto. You’re both right that one comment doesn’t mean much, but juxtapose it with the same (and previous) effusively positive quotes Eichel made about O’Reilly and even Evander Kane when each left. I’m purely speculating here, BTW, while taking a break from yard work. And it could very well be that Risto is tough to get along with. It could also be that they’re both very young guys. If there is an issue, I’m not taking one side or the other. But for someone who is trying very hard to embrace the team leader role, Eichel’s comment is actually somewhat telling. He could have gone about answering in any number of ways that weren’t so vanilla.
  12. Eichel’s quote about that smacks of either a “leader” who doesn’t get along with Risto, or someone who knows that a Risto trade is a foregone conclusion, or both. "I think everyone is expecting him to show up, right? He's under contract," Eichel said. "But I can't really comment on that much. I'm not Risto. I'm not Jason, doing Jason's job. If he's in the locker room at camp, part of the team, I think you go about business normally. You want him to be completely bought in and want to be there, but I guess we'll see what happens in the next week."
  13. Yes, the EU Parlimentary procedure flow chart is much simpler.
  14. Thank you for posting that. I suggest they should just use this:
  15. What a match is going on now! 6-7 in the 5th set. Berrettimi vs. Monfils. Mom here. The crowd is awesome.
  16. Ugh, I know! 2009 would have been thrilling!
  17. I heard on the radio this morning that DeBlasio spent 7 HOURS in his office in May (two meetings and five phone calls). To this, I say thank you Mr. Mayor, please don’t drop out of the race, ever!
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