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Everything posted by snafu

  1. I was making a joke based upon your putrid grammar. I got what you were trying to say. And by the way, Singletary's style is nothing like Jackson's.
  2. You gotta think like a prizefighter. Work your way in past the jabs so you can get to the body and clench when you get the chance. ...or wear a cup until the time is right.
  3. Wow, you've got the vision of an NFL running back? Kudos, bro!!
  4. Funny, I just watched 1 - 4 with my 11 year old a couple weeks ago. He keeps walking around the house saying "I want you...and you...any you...and ESPECIALLY you!!!" Says Apollo is his favorite movie character.
  5. Final Countdown sucks. Eye of the Tiger sucks a little less.
  6. I never worried about getting wins in either of the first two games. Maybe because I get a lot of coverage of each of the Giants and Jets down here. Yesterday, it looked like a halfway decent Giants' o-line was able to give Manning some time to throw. Giants have no decent healthy receivers and Dalton is a bit better than Eli these days. Cinci has over 600 yards passing in their first two games (first one in Seattle, in their home opener, with their good D) Cinci's d-line is pretty good, and our line hasn't gellled yet. I doubt Singletary will play, so our running game will likely suffer a bit. I worry about this week, and I wouldn't bet this game (were I a betting man).
  7. HAHAHAHA... All those batted balls last week and this...
  8. Those don’t look like burning American flags. Looks like the focus may be changing.
  9. Time will tell. I don’t think you will be correct, but time will tell. If he’s our President, so be it. I won’t spend his entire term praying for ways to get him out of office, like so many do with the current President. What do those clips have to do with the questions I asked?
  10. You thought the part when he was asked about deportations when he was VP went over well? The part where he said "Obama was President, I was VP" and then a few minutes later yelled into the microphone -- after it set in that he made himself look a bit foolish -- that he stood by everything Obama did for all 8 years? That was good?
  11. You want a hot take? Booker screwed up his chance to come out as a homosexual (whether he is or not -- he put a girlfriend on his arm). That may have been the only thing that would boost his numbers with Democrats.
  12. I saw a fair chunk of it and quickly realized that it was a couple hours of candidates mostly agreeing with each other. It was as though each one was being extra careful to not step on their own foot (Biden failed). You missed little to nothing.
  13. Never pictured you having parents. More like a team of people with doctorate degrees.
  14. HaHa!!! That photo is a keeper!!! Can we make that the first post for every "Jets week" thread?
  15. So am I a pot or a kettle? There's no acronym restriction that I know of. My frikkin screen name is an acronym. Anyhoo...chug.
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