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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Actually, also a setup to get the press to talk about Biden’s corruption — which was largely ignored or brushed aside up until this week.
  2. I'm a Bills fan. And hamstrings sometimes take a long time to heal.
  3. Bummer about Singletary. I fear we won't see him until after the bye week.
  4. Buck up. Depending on the way you look at it, this week will end (or next week will begin) with the Bills being 3 and oh.
  5. And because nobody believes that they'll pay less. And if you look further down the road, businesses and jobs will be severely impacted (a) with the price controls that would need to be implemented, and (b) the removal of private health insurance .
  6. There’s some good stuff in this article https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/new-york-city-mayor-bill-de-blasio-drops-2020-bid-n1056791 But his campaign never took off. A slew of national polls showed him stuck with just 1 percent support — and often times even less. A Siena College poll released earlier this week showed him with 0 percent, even in New York City. ... His brief campaign was marred with sparsely attended events and a bevy of unforced errors. He made headlines in August after an event in Iowa drew only about 15 people. De Blasio attempted to use Twitter to brand Trump as “ConDon,”but that, too, drew mockery because it means condom in Spanish.
  7. Oh God, NOOOOOO !!!!!!!! Now he’s back in New York full time?
  8. Don’t stop at beef. Milk and cheese and ice cream and butter too! I wonder if veal would be a cheaper alternative.
  9. Privately run healthcare is theoretically streamlined and efficient because of competition. In a practical sense, the problems are systemic and actually can be identified and addressed. Nobody seems to focus on fixing the cost of healthcare. The fixation is on health insurance providers and premiums (which has its own systemic problems). Turning over all of those problems to the U.S. Government to fix them and make them magically disappear is not a good idea. The federal government is inefficient, bloated, and incapable of providing the same service at a lower cost. Nobody compliments medicaid. Nobody raves about medicare. Nobody thinks the VA is well run. The first Democratic Debates a few months ago illustrated the fact that each candidate (except perhaps Sanders) pushing for universal health insurance either (a) said that the tax increase to fund the program will be offset by the fact that individuals wouldn't have to pay insurance premiums. Nobody said that the tax increase would be lower than the premiums not paid. Nobody described how the taxes would be fairly implemented, or (b) they refused to answer the question because an honest answer would have torpedoed their campaign. Bottom line is that there will be NO savings to anyone. It's a B.S. shell game. The only way to reduce the cost in a government-run system is to implement strict price controls -- which at a minimum would probably mean hospital bailouts paid for by taxpayers. And, yes, I'd rather see an itemized health care bill than see an un-itemized tax bill.
  10. A lot of the Yankee fans I know love making the trip down to Baltimore. I was thinking of driving up for a Bills game in October next year and maybe combining it with a visit to Pittsburg to catch a Pirates game. Since I didn’t damage the boy last night these trips will become more frequent.
  11. I’ve been a Sox fan since I was 7. Last night was my first time in Fenway. I think there was some fine dust in the breeze during batting practice because I couldn’t quite see clearly. I drove up with my kid (11) from Long Island. Took him out of school early, at Noon. I promised my wife that I’d have him home so he could go to school today (we pulled into the driveway at 2:00am, we left after the bottom of the 9th). If not, I would have sat there all night in a 15 inning game. The weather was perfect. It was a nearly full house on a Tuesday night. That doesn’t happen in NY. I married a Lifelong Mets fan and so they’re my adopted local team. I’ve been all over Citifield, from the upper deck to the literal last seat up in left field to behind the plate and in a box a few times. Citifield is a great ballpark — not a stadium. Fenway is, to me, the original ballpark though it feels weird. It’s almost as though there are as many seats in right and center field as the rest of the park. And the upper deck is small. We were on the first base side in a field box. I’m sure I could have thrown a ball and hit the base of the Monster — at least that’s how close it looked. I’m going to make a point of going to a midweek series next year, especially to catch a day game.
  12. The cost of administering health care is almost completely independent from insurance premiums. Socialized medicine doesn’t cut out the middle man. The middle man gets replaced by the government.
  13. I don't know about the inefficiency of other countries' big governments. I would wager that my country's big government would fail at this in a big big way. And you hit on the real problem that should have been addressed back when Obama was making the ACA: the cost of healthcare is more important than the insurance coverage.
  14. Until it is EVERY ranking 100% of the time, this isn't an argument. When you eliminate the middle man and replace the middle man with the U.S. Government, then replace the word "profit" and replace it with "waste and incompetence". So what you're saying is that once someone's income is capped, they can go out and get a second job to supplement the loss in income?
  15. Perhaps they could wear numbers or other distinguishing markings on their uniforms to distinguish between them?
  16. Another idea that's not going to happen just to make your life better: Maybe you can get the Sabres to have a pretty Finnish girl to sit next to you during games to remind you which player is which.
  17. I was there. He got a big welcome from the Sox fans. They even cheered his home run.
  18. I think you need to look at polls state by state. It is, after all, an electoral college system. Here are two Wisconsin poll results from Wisconsin in early November, 2016. They don’t support your assertion. Both had Clinton winning. And I’d add that nobody liked Trump in 2016, either. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/wi/wisconsin_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5976.html https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/wisconsin/
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