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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Defense: Get hands in passing lanes. Focus on stopping the run. Never let them run out of bounds on a run or a completed pass. Can’t miss ANY tackles. If the chance presents itself, bang Brady real hard early in the game about two or three times. Jam the receivers at the line and make Brady throw deep because I’m not sure his arm it still all that. Offense: first half choose the O-line’s favorite fifteen plays and execute them perfectly. Just mix them up like a baseball pitcher moves the ball around the strike zone. Second half (this is outside the box), run every single play the **Pats ran during the first half, in reverse order. Maybe it will freak them out. Maybe they run those plays because their defense can’t stop it in practice. And never run out of bounds to stop the clock and run the play clock down to one every pre-snap.
  2. I don't know what will happen but I will seriously consider stocking up on canned goods and bottled water.
  3. Not a good day for Boris Johnson. His porogation was knocked down by the UK Supreme Court. Did you know that the UK doesn't have a written Constitution. I didn't. I wonder if the UK Supreme Court review was lawful. How do you know which branch of Government has primacy over a particular matter if there's no rules of the road? Anyhow, I looked it up, and the shortest serving PM was George Canning (April–August 1827) (119 days). Johnson may actually set a new record the way he's getting batted around ever since he took office (July 24). If he's out on or before 11/11/19, then he will have set the record.
  4. I'm really not sure it matters or not, but if the info in the attached article is correct (I copied the relevant language), the Inspector General mishandled the complaint and notified Congress directly. Seems as though he should have sent the complaint to the DNI (see 5(a)(b)(c), above). Then the Director decides what to do with the complaint. If the Inspector General doesn't find the complaint credible, then the Whistleblower (under certain conditions) can go straight to Congress. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/trump-ordered-hold-on-military-aid-days-before-calling-ukrainian-president-officials-say/2019/09/23/df93a6ca-de38-11e9-8dc8-498eabc129a0_story.html Mid-August is also when a whistleblower from the intelligence community filed a complaint regarding Trump and Ukraine to Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson. Atkinson informed the House and Senate intelligence committees of the complaint’s existence Sept. 9 — the same day three House committees launched an investigation to determine whether Trump and his lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, had improperly pushed Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.
  5. You know, the whistleblower can come out and spill his or her own beans without the official report. I think the whistleblower should step forward since we aren’t getting any satisfaction and this is such an important event. The whistleblower can go to the press, or even straight to Schiff for an interview.
  6. Yup. Neck brace and crutches. Can’t use her right hand much so her grocery list is hard to fathom. Crayola64 is representing the scooter company as a defendant in her lawsuit. I think he’s drafting the dispositive motion now to get her case thrown out. If he loses that, then it’s on to trial where he will be third seat. You can identify him as thy guy with the briefcase on rollers containing all the trial binders. It’s his job to keep them in proper order and make sure the exhibits are organized.
  7. I gotta say, this entire thread has been absolutely stupid. From the b.s. made up scandal all the way through the last several pages. It’s like a slow motion video of an electric scooter hitting an old lady in a crosswalk. Sad and fascinating all at once — and nobody really suffered any damage. It really should be closed down.
  8. Probably not. Depends on how long she was sitting in the tub before someone figured out what happened.
  9. Browns o-line let them down. Rams pass rush is good, but geez.
  10. Freddy Kitchens looks like the blue ribbon winning State Fair pumpkin.
  11. Don’t care how we got here. Dont care how they got here.
  12. I poured a thick one and lit up a cigar. Sitting out back enjoying a lovely Sunday!
  13. I might buy a 17 jersey and change the name on the back to “All-in”.
  14. I picked a squeaker today, but figured we’d win. Im going to take this entire week to talk myself into a Bills win next Sunday. I’m going to cling to every hopeful stat and ignore everything that runs against us. I don’t frikkin care, I’m not expecting a win, but we got a shot to lead in the division with the tiebreaker. Yeah, yeah I know it will be only 4 weeks in, but I don’t care.
  15. We are home next week. Our best chance to knock them into second place.
  16. No steamroll. I give us a punchers chance. I’m going to enjoy the lead up this week. Would be nice to beat them.
  17. I don’t care how we got here. Bring on the **Pats!!!!!
  18. What’s going on, this is my info!!! Are we holding them?
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