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Everything posted by snafu

  1. The question was how you get China to reduce their emissions even if the US gets to zero. Burning coal in the stix ain’t the answer.
  2. ^^^^^ did Bloomberg start of by saying it is okay for China to burn coal because they don’t do it near their cities? And THEN he says Xi listens to the voices of his “constituents” when making policy decisions? Holy crap. Is this a prelude to the Presidential race when it comes down to a D candidate vs Trump? How is that answer good or believable?
  3. Lame. You think every President before Twitter was kind and obsequious when Congress wouldn’t go along with his policies? You don’t think that language was saltier than “savages”? Oooohhhh “savages”, where are my pearls?!?!
  4. Actually, it looks like it is the 3rd. In Pittsburgh. When I went to check the schedule, I got to this "official" version: https://www.nhl.com/sabres/schedule/1942-10-01/ET/list NHL...
  5. You just tried to discount someone's opinion as a "bizzaro conspiracy theory" by using a bizzaro made-up scenario. To quote you: "funny you think that's a good look". You and others around here like to mock and make light of the conspiracy theorists on this forum. But you don't realize that your own defense of what you consider to be the truth is just as much based upon speculation as anyone else's. Oh for Christ's sake, here we go again with the litany of former fvcks with an opinion. Worked out real well with the 18 million former prosecutors, huh?
  6. Overall, you wrote a great post. When I got to this part, I said to myself: "Rodgers might have played better, but Wentz' team won last night". Here's hoping for a similar outcome on Sunday with your Brady/Rodgers, Wentz/Allen analogy.
  7. I’m unsure about Obama’s role. I have some suspicions about whether he knew, since everything was handled by the head of any department investigating these matters. And, yes, there were ongoing investigations in 2016 — and if I’m not mistaken, at least Trump’s investigation called upon foreign resources for assistance (that’s for you @jrober38). That leads me to question that if it was okay in 2016, why wouldn’t it be okay now? The only real factual difference is that Trump is running for re-election. That shouldn’t preclude a legit investigation of someone else running againt him, should it?
  8. I was just going to ask jrober a hypothetical about this: If Obama was running for re-election in 2016, would he or his administration have been properly investigating Trump and Trump’s campaign for Russian collusion? Or would his actions have opened an impeachment inquiry? Edit: you sort of answered this a minute before I posted.
  9. Again I will say it: this situation is screwy. The complainant is either a lawyer or had one write this document. Seems obvious. Nobody uses “inter alia” but lawyers. It reads like some individual got deposed and the transcript was converted into this document — or something like that. It doesn’t read like a statement as much it does a charging instrument. I suppose the complainant would want to get the allegations presented in a cogent way, but this isn’t the document I was expecting to read. Maybe this is how a normal whistleblower complaint looks, I don’t know. I learned today that the Rose law firm is representing the whistleblower. I wonder when that representation started. It would be nice to know who assisted the whistleblower in crafting the complaint. But moreso, the complainant takes all of his or her allegations about the phone call from things others told him or her. Who’s making the conclusion that these acts of the President are worthy of complaining about? The people reporting to the whistleblower, or the whistleblower him/herself? I think that makes a difference. It would matter to me so that the right people can be questioned. Also, the complaint starts off by alleging that the subject matter in the first part of the document isn’t classified, but then immediately relates the contents of a classified phone conversation. There are elements of the phone call that are almost right, but are misrepresented in the complaint. By the way, since the complaint alleged facts (the content of the phone call), and now we actually have the facts (the transcript of the phone call) why is anyone focusing on that aspect of the complaint anymore? Finally, the complaint says straight out that the Ukrainian prosecutor first announced that he was investigating Biden back in January (am I reading that wrong? I read it quickly). How is Trump mentioning some ongoing or previously started investigation during the phone conversation a problem? Where is there an abuse of Presidentail power here? The complainant tries to tie the ongoing investigation into the phone call, but misrepresented the fact that Trump raised the subject in the phone call. It was actually the Ukrainian President who mentioned the Biden matter. Messed up indeed. This doesn’t look like it is going to be more than a blip for Trump. It does look like someone threw Biden out with the bathwater to get this complaint/issue to come to light. Almost like they knew the Ukrainian Biden investigation was an inevitability, so they might as well use his eventual downfall to drag Trump down too.
  10. I understand that. When did that happen? People should be really cheesed off, yeah?
  11. Keeping fingers crossed. And based on Metal Man’s post, I’m ready to bolt out of the house to my local watering hole. I’ve been burned before by the TV channel guide. Thoug( I do know they changed the rule a couple years ago.
  12. Is this true? Legit question: on the maps, what does “fox single” mean? I’m dreading bellying up to the tv Sunday and seeing an infomercial on CBS and the Giants being the only game on.
  13. Can the intelligence committee declassify it? I thought that’s an Executive Branch job. I could easily be mistaken.
  14. Yeah, I’ve been calling it our great national temper tantrum. It’s been going on since November 9, 2016. Very unbecoming.
  15. This whole thing seems screwy. There’s no smoking gun, or smoke, or fire. Congress allocated funds. Trump held up the funds. Trump apparently has been holding up different funds going to aid foreign countries for awhile now, claiming that the U.S. shouldn’t do all of the contributing. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-ukraine/trump-administration-reinstates-military-aid-for-ukraine-idUSKCN1VX213 “...Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell praised the Trump administration’s release of the funds, saying: “It would have been a mistake to hold back our assistance to the brave people of Ukraine. Doing so would have undermined our partners in Ukraine and Eastern Europe and further emboldened the Kremlin.” It was one of several disputes recently between Trump and members of Congress, including some of his fellow Republicans as well as Democrats, over his administration’s decision to sidestep congressional approval to fund its own policy initiatives. ...” This Ukraine money and the hold up of it seems to have been heaped into the Administration’s way of dealing with these matters (hold up the money and complain that other countries aren’t pulling their weight), and it seemed as though Congress was getting pissed off. Then Giuliani is reported to have met with Ukrainians about investigating Biden. Then Chris Murphy (in May, 2019) wrote a letter to his Committee Chair in the Senate, complaining of a possible connection — in this particular case — between Giuliani’s actions and the $$ being held up. Murphy was fired up about it. https://www.murphy.senate.gov/download/ukraine-giuliani-letter But it didn’t seem to go anywhere until some random whistleblower complaint was filed. The rough transcript of the phone conversation seems to belie Trump’s m.o. about other countries, mentioning Merkel and Germany. It didn’t seem like Trump implicitly or explicitly said he was not going to turn over the money. It doesn’t seem as though anyone in the Ukraine though there was a condition put on the money to help out in a US political matter. In fact, it was thought as recently as early September, that the hold up was because of Trump’s coddling of Putin. http://www.ukrweekly.com/uwwp/slow-walking-military-aid-to-ukraine/ Odd how the narrative changed from one reason to another reason to yet another reason over time.
  16. Looks to me like the guy was already on the case. It wasn’t like he said: “this Biden thing is news to me! Let me see about that. Wait, what, if I don’t look into it I won’t get my $400 billion?” Doesn’t look like that at all.
  17. Okay. I read the rough transcript. Granted I’m on the subway and reading this on my phone, I might have missed something. Am I missing something? Doesn’t seem much like a quid pro quo.
  18. You did it again! We are, but just not in the way that you think.
  19. Bro, I’ve only got one person on ignore, and it isn’t you. When people have told you that you don’t read so well, it’s never been me - until now. I only brought up the bogus allegations and the Russia hoax to illustrate just how futile it is to jump to conclusions. You’re too far gone to get that. You made your conclusion way back and you’re never coming off that. It’s fine. You do you. You’ve got over 21,000 posts and I’d wager that 13,000 or so have “Russia” or “Putin” or “Trump guilty” in them. Even in a thread about Ukraine, you try to tie in Russia. Fun times!
  20. Innocent before proven guilty. Even in an impeachment proceeding. He’s not guilty just because you’ve been telling yourself that in a hopeless 33 month delusion. You’re bringing up Russia again?! Yeah, let’s re-open Mueller’s investigation.
  21. You’d think that after two+ years of Russia breathlessness and “smoke/fire” analogies people would be a bit muted in their response to this current, supposed, Constitutional crisis/reports of treason. The whistleblower statute was posted in this thread. It actually appears that the complaint was handled within the applicable timeframe. I don’t see stonewalling. In fact, the only thing that seems to be on fire at this point is your hair. An impeachment INQUIRY has been commenced. Can you please tell me how that’s different than any day since January 20, 2017? Why don’t you wait until there’s actual proof and actual wrongdoing? Nobody could wait for Putin Puppet to be proved. Nobody could wait for Stormy Daniels hush money. Nobody could wait for Michael Cohen to bring down the President. Nobody could wait for Flynn to flip on Trump. Nobody could wait for the election finance shenanigans to put Trump in jail. People actually calculated statutes of limitation to prosecute Trump after he let office. At some point, doesn’t all the running in circles screaming at the sky get tiresome? At some point, doesn’t the endless attempt to “gotcha” the President have the result of undermining our democracy and our national security? Stop drawing conclusions prematurely. Grab some popcorn and vote D in 2020. That’s all you can do.
  22. Advice: shave the eyebrows. It’s his only chance of not getting recognized.
  23. My kid is an engineering student. The day I drove her up to school, I told her to get a group of kids together and whatever they do, please — for their future — design and invent a universal kill switch. She thought I was joking. Some day, she’s going to hear my plea from my grave. And that’s when she finds out that it’s going to be too late for her generation and everyone who comes after her.
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