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Everything posted by snafu

  1. There’s no zero in the equation?
  2. Looks a little like when we used to play street hockey.
  3. Truthfully, living downstate I saw a lot of Moore’s play when he was with the Rangers. He was a great fourth liner. I always thought teams would do well to put a finisher at wing on the 4th line. A guy like Evander Kane on an otherwise loaded team would kill it on a 4th line.
  4. Yeah I like to avoid the media, but now more than ever. Most don’t seem to know how the government and politics work. The rest try to come up with too-clever ideas. I cant wait for someone to propose that Andrew Cuomo fill Chris Collins’ empty seat with Hillary Clinton, and then the House immediately votes to make her speaker just before voting to impeach both Trump and Pence. Of course the proposal would conveniently leave out the fact that the Senate would then vote 99-1 (Romney) to acquit. These are are the type of articles I’m expecting to see.
  5. Talk about counting chickens before they hatch... https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-10-04/impeachment-shouldn-t-make-a-pelosi-presidency-possible?srnd=opinion The premise of this article is to change the rules of succession to remove the speaker (Pelosi) in order to get more Republicans to find it palatable to vote for impeachment.
  6. The epitome of a good 4th line player. Works to make chances. Rarely finishes. Dominic Moore comes to mind.
  7. And the other one says: “no, that stuff runs right through me.”
  8. In my brain I’d be thinkin I could be another Lincoln ... if I only had a spleen.
  9. Thats a tried and true style that always, at a minimum, keeps a team in a game. If that’s the style of this team going forward, I love it. I’ve always been an advocate of a simple puck control style that depends on support in all three zones and especially on the forecheck. It takes hard and disciplined work. By the time they get to this level, every player knows the right way to play the game. Installing innovative systems never made much sense to me. Let the players play the way they’ve grown up playing and make sure they work hard at it. If Krueger can make sure they work, we will see good results.
  10. And the thread has come full circle crop!
  11. I’m sure he had something to do with Sanders’ heart disease, too.
  12. Unfortunatlely got stuck sitting in traffic. not watching yet. But these three point are super promising. Especially the puck support.
  13. I hope you're right and I'm wrong. I'll be rooting for them one way or another.
  14. '86 ALCS (Red Sox-Angels) was almost as good. And then the Series...
  15. I'm afraid platitudes from the HC isn't going to be enough. He's got to be better than Housley, but this team needs a ton more talent.
  16. --Trump may have withheld aid for any number of reasons. The reason he gave wasn't the reason you're ascribing. Go re-read his statement which you continue to misrepresent. --Trump raised US aid to Ukraine in the context of complaining about other countries which don't also provide equivalent aid. Which incidentally is one of the reasons why he's held up aid to other nations prior to this Ukraine aid. Nations who probably don't have information about the 2016 election or Biden's son. --Zelensky mentioned Biden first. Then Trump responded. --Trump released the aid after Congress got up his ass. Trump DIDN'T release the aid when Zelensky said he was going to continue investigating. Zelensky said he didn't feel coerced. Zelensky didn't know the aid was being held up. But you've ignored those facts. You've misrepresented these facts, came to a conclusion that your narrative is bad for Trump, and then said it doesn't add up to impeachment. Oh, and at the same time you spun your conspiracy, you've attempted to shame others for being conspiracists. Nice job, you've gummed up this thread with your smarmy hypocritical B.S.
  17. They can lump in Pence because it helps his campaign, too. He probably doesn't need to have done anything at all.
  18. I think I can hear heads actually exploding out on the sidewalk.
  19. Maybe Trump will lift the tariffs if China agrees to investigate !!! This was always his plan.
  20. You've leaped to the conclusion that the funds were withheld solely to cajole Ukraine into investigating Biden. You've repeated this many many times. That's YOUR conclusion you're pushing, or someone else's conclusion that you're adopting. Sounds like you've got a conspiracy theory brewed up in your head. You know there are no actual words when you read between the lines. Just the ones you make up. I'm open to actual proof. Neither you, nor anyone else has provided any.
  21. What do section 112, 1116 and/or 1201 say? This provision you posted is the penalty part.
  22. Why do those forward lines look so ugly to me? There's no hope in those lines at all. And 5/6 D pairing could be horrible, too! I don't think that roster is ready to compete.
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