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Everything posted by snafu

  1. I re-watched it just now. He took the first and third pitches. Fouled off the second pitch.
  2. To be a little fair, that was a sick pitch from Wainwright. Even if Beltran swung, I doubt he even fouls it off. I was at that game. Fans were PISSED OFF heading out of the stadium.
  3. I think the words you wanted to use there are "reduce" and "reuse", yes...yes?? In this case, "recycle" is a bit gross.
  4. Do you have a written, itemized, signed contract? If so, let him sue you. He can put a lien on your property for any amount he claims is owed, but he's got to be accurate about the amount owed. In order to enforce the lien, he's got a strict time limit to file an action against you. He could still sue you without having filed a lien. But in any event, you've obviously got no voice with this person now. As lame, time consuming, and expensive as going to court is, there's some benefit to having someone who will hear both sides of the matter. The only other thing you should concern yourself with it whether he's got any responsibility to sign off the work with the building department. If so, you might not want to get that aspect tied up in your contractor dispute. Edit: you're in Maryland? Rules might be different from what I know.
  5. Who's that guy who posted his theory that the Clintons and Trump were in on the 2016 election together to get Hillary to win? He banged that drum forever and over and over. This is a perfect tweet exchange that will get him to resurface. Thinking, thinking...it was pearlhowardman
  6. It's all right. Mike Bloomberg says the Chinese populace won't let Xi allow this continue to happen.
  7. I can actually see him contributing a little more each week and balancing out his screw-ups with some production until he has some disastrous moment.
  8. I take it the bride and groom didn't dance to "Saving All My Love For You"?
  9. ^^^^ true, and maybe the facts will mitigate whatever downside there appears to be. But do you think Turkey will be an honest broker of peace for the Kurds? Turkey has tended to like a bit of chaos so they can leverege the west against the east and vice versa (not that I totally blame them, they’re in a tough location).
  10. What Election, indeed. Impeachment IS the Election for the D's. They've seen the field, and they're telegraphing that this is their only hope. I bet if the economy suddenly tanked, they'd back off this B.S. in a heartbeat. They can't take that chance, though. The economy is too good to tank so far.
  11. Getting out of Syria is a good thing. Getting out and not leaving a void is a good thing, too. Leaving Turkey to police the void is a scary proposition. This is Turkey who recently had extended meetings with Russia and Iran. This is Turkey who let Russia fly over their airspace. This is Turkey who buys Russian material over US material. This is Turkey who hates the Kurds. This is Erdogan who's a totalitarian scumbag. Haley is right, but the other choices were: (a) stay there, or (b) leave the Kurds to police the void, and that would have pushed Turkey (a NATO member) over the line, or (c) let Syria police their own people (not really an option with Assad's track record).
  12. There’s no “arguably” about it. Gase can only be as bad, not worse.
  13. That was hard to watch. That guy is a dumbass but I feel awful for him.
  14. Another by-product of working harder than the other team = more power plays. Edit : And there’s the result!!!!!
  15. Or still have 2 wildcards but the WC team must play every first round game in the ballpark vs the team with the best record in the League. More incentive for teams to make it to WC and for teams to get best record.
  16. Bad example. Either way, he’s (A) trying to make your head explode, and more importantly (B) talking about another specific matter in China. That one is probably more egregious.
  17. List of candidates who may have been a corrupt VP of the US who is now running for President? Sure it has political implications. And there’s a legit, specific, predicate to look into. There can be both. Go find a phone call where Trump asked someone to investigate any other candidate in a blanket inquiry and maybe you might have a point. Go find a phone call where Trump asked for a general (not specific) investigation of Biden and maybe you might have a point.
  18. Wouldve been better if he struck a line through “Madam” and blacked out one of her teeth.
  19. All that security and nobody noticed the James Bond villain chick standing there?
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