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Everything posted by snafu

  1. No. Not the same. There wasn’t a green shirt in sight.
  2. Yeeesh! I just tuned in to see that pick. And the score, in the second Q?!
  3. This list is so weird it is hard to begin. I guess I’ll just say this is highly subjective, and I disagree with their results.
  4. I dint do ***** all day. Came on to the game day thread and people were losing their minds. Left that misery quick. Went outside and smoked a cigar in the rain and went to my kid’s soccer game that started just as the Bills were ending. I never figured the Bills were going to lose so I took the day off from worrying. My kid’s team lost, and it poured rain on them the whole game.
  5. More like finding fault with all the kids and ignoring whose basement they were in.
  6. I’m no lib and certainly don’t support the Progressives, so I know your question isn’t directed toward me. I just wanted to chime in and say that I hate Twitter “threads” where someone on twitter posts what is essentially a blog entry that’s broken into sets of 280 characters. I realize completely that this is really just a matter of me complaining about how a tweet is formatted, but it sucks. I try to get the gist and then get out. I do certainly click on the sourced materials that people link in tweets. As for news, everything seems to be partisan — on right and left. I only really try to cull out the facts and quotes, not how those things are “explained” — though one can learn a lot from the explanations. There are un-subtle trends, spin, and repetitive messages in articles from both ends of an issue.
  7. Who set the fire? The way Pelosi and Schiff are running this “investigation” is a burning dumpster. The smoke you see is coming from that. This impeachment imbroglio is a political stunt, nothing more. There’s zero bipartisan support in the House, not because they’re all towing the line but because it is transparently political. The only two people of note that have called for impeachment are R Presidential hopefuls who despise Trump. That’s political, too. John Kasich is a phony butthurt loser. Mitt Romney is a phony spurned once and future neverTrumper. There’s no crime, high or low, there’s no misdemeanor. The blow up is over allegations of Trump getting political dirt on Biden — and in typical hypocritical fashion the impeachment “investigation” is to get political dirt on Trump. The R’s on the house intelligence committee are absolutely right to complain about the way Shiff is handling things, and every Dem should be completely embarrassed, but they’re not because of their hatred for the President and their disdain for anyone who supports him. Trump haters like to put the cart before the horse. It’s happened before (Russia) and it’s happening now. It is obvious. If what Trump did was so Godawful, then why investigate? Put the impeachment to a vote right now. D’s in the house can’t and won’t do that because it doesn’t serve their purpose. I’m no Trump lover, so don’t bother going there. I just see a load of crap going on. I also see that the way this “investigation” is being handled completely erodes our government now and especially in the future. I don’t put it past Republicans to point to these last three years next time there’s a Democrat in the White House. Does nobody see the future when they act today?
  8. That's why impeachment IS important, to some. It is the entire 2020 election, unless something else comes along.
  9. They're not from West Virginia. And thanks for the offer, but I apologize pretty good . How about I apologize for you.
  10. My brother-in-law’s wife. A miserable person. Everyone else is great!
  11. I wouldn't mind losing him if it got us Hall in return. Just not Pilut and Risto. Can't give up two defensemen.
  12. Harris proposed to shoot the plane down. Wanted to know if Warren was with her, and if not, why not. Warren dodged the proposal with a silent, blank stare.
  13. Biden says “explain how you’re going to do things” — Warren and Sanders raise their hands. Next sentence, Biden says “don’t be vague” — Warren and Sanders put their hands down. ?
  14. Kamala Harris just called for Twitter to take down Trump’s account?! That’s how she wants to hold big tech “accountable”.
  15. Agreed. It isn’t like any “system” guy doesn’t know any other way. You’d think they would come in and slowly work their method into what talent they have. Starting with the basics isn’t a bad idea at all. Making sure the players play sound fundamentals is key no matter what style. Krueger gets it. This is great to hear. I thought (and think) they’re much better off with Risto. They can get talent up front in other ways. They’ve got a couple pieces to move that aren’t him. I’d wager that if Scandella continues to play well he can be a piece. I’d bet Nelson has value, too. The Sabres have a glut of good blueliners that teams may want.
  16. I liked the Vesey move when it happened. From what I saw with him on the Rangers, he seemed a bit underrated.
  17. I know we can beat the Pats, and I have hopes that the week 16 game will mean a lot. I'm pretty sure we can beat the Texans, but we will need to be very good on both sides of the ball. As long as we can run the ball effectively, we beat the Chiefs. It's been done a couple times now. The Ravens scare me for some unknown reason. I can't figure out whether their defense is any good. Their offense is good. As long as we can stop the run, we can beat the Colts. Their line is great, but Brissett isn't. The Bills can have a bad day on one side of the ball against NONE of these teams. Raiders, too early to tell. Chargers, too early to tell. To me, nobody else is worth mentioning. There's going to be a game when the defense takes a dump on the field and the offense will need to bail them out. If the offense comes through when needed (which won't be frequent), then there's no stopping this team.
  18. Cleveland Browns 1989 playoffs. Don't forget.
  19. Nice play by Eichel and that was some pretty bad goaltending. I mean, it wasn't even like there was a wing coming in to receive a pass. It was going to be a shot or nothing.
  20. Ho-lee Moses!!! I turned it off at 3-1 in the 6th. The Nats weren't doing anything and I gave them no chance!!! Wow. The Dodgers need to change things up at this point. Too many chances and no results. Astros better take heed tonite. Losing to the Rays will be a bigger upset than the Nats taking out the Dodgers. You know, I posted earlier that I thought it was a good pitch and then re-watched it yesterday and you're right. It hung up high in the zone. I think my memory of Beltran's jelly legs made me think it was a better pitch than it actually was.
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