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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Ever wonder what my avatar is reaching for? It’s the stupid ***** you post. Youre the one “making it flow backwards”.
  2. What do those grand jury transcripts have to do with an impeachment inquiry centering around a phone call to a Ukrainian President in August 2019? Also, isn’t the entire, unredacted Mueller Report in a secure room in Congress waiting to be reviewed by any Rep who wants to read it?
  3. WwwwwoooooOOOOOOOoooooooooo! Spooky! Things like these flashing videos telling me to Hate Hillary Clinton are exactly why I avoid the dark web. I much prefer Web Lite. It only shows videos of Hillary falling down stairs and getting shoved into limousines.
  4. Can we throw the hatchets AT the people jumping on tables? I can go for that.
  5. Reported for starting an abusive thread. I agree with this completely. Waiting for the Bills to win it all to erase a lot of history. When the Sabres do, I'll be a complete mess.
  6. Tribe's conclusions notwithstanding, do you note his language? It is very conclusory and I'd say it doesn't come across as a neutral assessment of Graham's resolution. "Phony objections" "Completely fair and traditional process" "Shaking down a vulnerable ally" "His own personal benefit" I wouldn't call the Senate or the House Republicans' objections "phony". In fact, it doesn't appear that the House majority is handling the investigation in an open way. The "Traditional" process is to be quite a bit more open with both parties and representatives of the White House. That doesn't seem to be happening here. And his last lines about a shakedown and Trump's own personal benefit sound a lot like he's got Trump convicted in his own mind already. I thought there is an "investigation" going on, yes? Is the "investigation" a sham? If Trump is so obviously guilty, then why investigate at all? If the purpose of the "investigation" is to get bi-partisan and public support, then why be so secretive? I'm sure half the House and 2/3 of the Senate see Trump's guilt, right??? Edit: Bowman's language is much more neutral. And I'd add that I want a title like Bowman's. I'm endowed and I profess things about the Law.
  7. Kinda ghoulish... But I think if they want to make a "reverse Reichstag" moment, then they would go after one of the top House protagonists. I get the Hillary angle, but if the goal is to make it look like a desperate Trump move (because they're getting too close to the truth) then the angle is to go after the people investigating him.
  8. Uh huh... There's obviously an additive that forces us to deny that chemtrails are a "thing".
  9. Scottish. Russian. Italian. Edit: it depends a lot on who's talking.
  10. Economic unrest is almost always the catalyst that makes people who take extreme sides clash or protest en masse. Hong Kong is an exception. Once the US economy tanks, then the incivility might take on a different and uglier form. Our country needs to resolve our severe political polarization before another 2008 downturn happens. In my opinion, the quickest way to civil unrest here is to adopt and implement all of the progressive D ideas that have been put forth as platform positions at the debates. Implementing policies that involve “free stuff for all” while raising taxes and stifling the economy with extra regulations is a recipe for disaster.
  11. Yeah, but inside the Jerry Ford head is the ninth horcrux of Putin.
  12. There's a team high danger scoring chance stat. I wonder if there's a high danger scoring chance AGAINST stat? In my opinion, save percentage isn't really the whole story.
  13. Daryl Hall can sing with the best of them -- but he's a pop star. Same with Paul Weller, but he's too obscure I suppose. Bryan Ferry was left out. Not including Meatloaf is stupid. If you're going to have Axl Rose, you might as well put David Lee Roth in there -- and you can substitute all kinds of artists for ones that were included (like Stevie Winwood instead of Steve Wonder). Oh -- and they included the Everly Brothers as one entry, and Art Garfunkel alone, but no Paul Simon?
  14. Especially since he's a hateful ass. That certainly boosts my opinion of his success. He's had to sail into his own wind all these years.
  15. Wait for Halloween when Trump shows up in blackface, dressed up as Trudeau.
  16. I think it also had the legs of a chicken. I’d go more with Kaiser Soze if using movie references.
  17. $1,000,000 in 1976 isn’t $60,000,000 today. Not close. There are surely a multitude of people who get a loan or an inheritance and squander it, no? And there are surely a multitude of people who get a loan or an inheritance and buy perhaps one or two buildings with it and never do more to grow their holdings. I’ll give you arrogant and self-centered. I even understand you “birthright” point. But I think what trump did with a kickstart is a heluva lot more than sitting in a room and eating bon bons. You going to rip on Roosevelt and Kennedy for coming from money, too?
  18. Oh my goodness! This is now officially sad and fantastic at the same time.
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